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Your Role in Leading Kids to Christ

The most important thing we do is leading kids to Jesus. It should be our #1 priority. We should not take this lightly. Eternity is at stake.

As children's ministry leaders, there are some key roles you should be in with regards to leading kids to Christ.

Role #1 - faithfully and consistently share the Gospel with kids. In classrooms. In chapel. In children's services. At retreats. In small groups. In prayer time and devotionals.

John 3:16 encapsulates the entire Bible. "For God so loved the world" should weave its way into every lesson you teach.

#2 role - Host a class about salvation for kids and their parents. When a child asks about inviting Jesus into their life, ask them to attend a salvation class with their parents. This strategy can be very effective. In my last year of ministry at a local church, we baptized over 460 kids in one year. Every single child had been through our salvation class for kids. The class is available to you at this link.

#3 role - Partner with parents. When possible, place tools in parents' hands that they can use to lead their child to Jesus. One of parents' greatest joys is to lead their children to Jesus. Don't take this role away from them (this applies to children and their parents who attend church faithfully). The class we mentioned above can be one of the biggest ways you can partner with parents when God is at work in their child's life.

#4 role - Be a guide. We must remember that our role is to be a guide. We cannot save anyone. That job has already been taken by Jesus.

As a guide, our role is not to be pushing a child from behind into making a decision. While there is no certain age for a child to accept Jesus, we can know certain signs to watch for. If a child continues to come to you about making a decision for Christ, that is a sign that God is working in their life. But let God do the work...don't force it.

As a guide, our role is also not to hold kids back. I have seen leaders and parents tell kids they are not ready to enter a relationship with Jesus because they are "too young." I would say this...most of the time kids begin to be ready at the age of 7-8 years old. At this age, they begin to understand abstract concepts. But again, each child is different.

Our role is not to push a child into a decision nor is it to hold them back. Our role is to simply walk beside them, so to speak. As we walk with them, we share the Gospel with them. As we do this, God will draw them to Himself.

This is your role. Step into it and let God use you to reach many, many kids and parents with the Gospel.

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