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Pastor Appreciation Month (don't forget your children's pastor)

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. It's a time to show your Pastor how much you appreciate him or her. Often the focus is turned to the lead pastor during this time of appreciation. And it should be. Pastors are special people, called by God to guide the flock (sheep with an occasional wolf thrown in the mix). As your church honors your lead pastor this month, there is another pastor I want to encourage you to not forget. Who you might ask? Your Children's Pastor. Children's Pastors are a special group of people who are called by God to pour their lives into reaching and discipling the next generation. They lead through the mountain top and through the valley. I always chuckle when I hear a well-meaning person ask a Children's Pastor what they do all week. Thinking that Sunday is the only day a Children's Pastor works. Those on the inside know the truth is, you work all week. Many days much more than 8 hours. Children's Pastors are some of the finest people on the planet. While others pursue ministry to adults, Children's Pastors spend their time reaching and discipling children. There is something very unique about that. It's the fact that Jesus loves children. He demonstrated this when the disciples tried to shew children away from Him. He quickly reminded the disciples how important children are and took time to minister to them. This means your Children's Pastor's heart beats in sync with Jesus' heart. Much of what Children's Pastors and their teams do is behind the scenes. Getting ready for weekend services. Enlisting people to serve. Following up on families who were absent. Preparing curriculum. Scheduling and planning big events like Fall Festival, VBS, etc. No...the weekend services didn't magically appear on Sunday morning. There was someone working long hours behind the scenes to make sure everything was ready to go. It was your Children's Pastor. Here are a few ideas for showing your Children's Pastor just how much he or she means to you and the church family.

  • Personal hand-written thank you note.

  • A goody basket with their favorite treats.

  • Gift certificate to a restaurant and arranged child care if he or she has children.

  • Out of town trip with nice hotel room arranged.

  • Have kids and families write thank you notes.

  • Decorate his or her office.

  • A short video with people saying why they are thankful for him or her.

  • Movie tickets.

  • Starbucks gift certificate.

  • Take up a love offering.

  • A weekend away.

  • Publicly thank them in front of the church.

  • Homemade dessert.

  • Wash their car for them.

  • Honor them in your weekend bulletin.

Whatever you decided to do, make it nice. Don't let your gift duplicate the scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Remember the gift of a year long subscription to the jelly of the month club...you know...the gift that keeps on giving.

2 Thessalonians 5:12-13 says this. "Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you, and to regard them very highly in love because of their work." Just remember. Everyone needs encouragement, support and love to do ministry long term. And that includes your Children's Pastor. Support your Children's Pastor all year long and go all out in the month of October. Your turn. What are some other things you have done for CP appreciation? Share your ideas with everyone in the comment section below.

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