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Training Tomorrow's Leaders Today

When you serve in children's ministry, you are training the future leaders of the church. Sitting in your small group...rocking in your arms in the nursery...singing in your kid's choir or praise team... coloring in your preschool room...trying to act "cool" in your pre-teen ministry...are tomorrow's church leaders. Think about this with me. When you invest in children, you are preparing leaders who will make an impact in a time you will never see. I'm not trying to be morbid here, but we know our time here on earth is short. We only have a short time to make a difference. But when we invest in children, we extend our influence into the future. And in case you're wondering, you are also making a big impact right now. Kids can be leaders now if we will give them the opportunity. When you invest in children, you are molding the church of now and tomorrow. What a privilege and honor that is. God has entrusted you with this very important assignment. Don't take it likely. The 1st grade boy that keeps climbing on top of the table in your classroom, will one day climb up a mountain as a missionary to tell a tribe of people about Jesus. The pre-teen girl that talks out during class and disrupts the lesson, will one day be a bold witness for Christ in the workplace. The little preschooler that drops his penny in the offering bucket, will one day be a successful entrepreneur who will give thousands of dollars to advance the Gospel. The 8-year-old girl that sings with all her heart, will one day write worship songs that encourages millions of people. The kindergarten boy that is playing with the legos before service, will one day build churches around the world. A few months ago, I went to the Billy Graham memorial in North Carolina. I learned something about Billy's ministry that I had not heard before. And it relates to what we're talking about in this article. In 1934, a group of men gathered under a grove of trees at the edge of the Graham dairy farm. It was the dairy farm of William Graham. William was the father of Billy Graham, who at the time was a 15 year-old teenager. The men had gathered to pray for revival in their city, state and beyond. They prayed that God would raise up someone from the Charlotte area who would take the Gospel to the world. A few months later, Billy attended a revival service of Dr. Mordecai Ham. It was a tent meeting. And on November 1, 1934, Billy went forward and entered a relationship with Jesus. Billy would grow up to reach millions of people with the Gospel. He has been called the "Evangelist to the World" and the "Pastor to Presidents." The group of men who gathered to pray that day, impacted millions of people through the investment they made in a young man named Billy. I believe in your children's ministry there is a child who God can use to change the world. And He is using you to train this child, who will grow up to make a world-wide impact. What a privilege to be able to train tomorrow's church leaders.

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