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How God Really Feels About Children

Remember this song?

Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me He who died. Heaven's gate to open wide. He will wash away my sins. Let His little child come in.

Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me this I know. Us He loved so long ago. Taking children on His knees. Saying, "Let them come to me."

Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so.

This song, grounded in John 3:16, still brings joy to my heart when I sing it.

It's also a great reminder of how much God loves children.

This great verse in Psalm 139 gives us an inside look at how God really feels about children.

"You are a child of God, you are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in His sight." Psalm 139.


Each child is wonderfully created by God. He has given each child a unique personality, temperament and gifting. Our role is to help children discover their uniqueness and how God has gifted them.

When they do, they will be able to walk in confidence, knowing that they are not here by accident. No. Not at all. God created them and made them one of a kind. There is no one else who could take their place.


God loves children dearly. We have an example of this as we see the deep love parents have for their children. They would go to the ends of the earth to help their child. As their Father, God loves children even more than that. He was willing to give His Son to die for them.


God places a high value on children. They are worth more than all the riches of the world. Like a precious diamond, they are extremely, extremely valuable.

Do you see children as wonderfully created?

Do you see children as dearly loved by God?

Do you see children as precious?

Just think...God has chosen you to work with and minister to children. What an honor. What an opportunity.

You see, God uses people to make His heart for children to be known. People like you and I.

Let children know that they are wonderfully made. They are not not here by accident. They are not a random result of evolution. They are wonderfully made by God. One of a kind. With a special mission and purpose.

Help children see that they are deeply loved by God. Loved so much that...

God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son so that anyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Help children see that they are precious in God's eyes. Many children are often bullied, called names and picked on. This can leave them sad, rejected and experiencing low self-esteem. Help children shrug this off by helping them see how precious they are to God.

Help children see that they are not the insults that come from others. Rather, they are what God thinks about them. Precious. Worth more than anything else in the world.

Wonderfully made.

Deeply loved.

Precious in God's eyes.

This is how God feels about children.


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