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Your Labor is Never Wasted

Ever feel like your ministry is in vain?

Ever feel like the kids aren't getting what you are trying to teach them?

Ever get "weary in well doing?"

Ever feel like quitting?

Ever wonder if the kids you are investing in will grow up to be lifetime followers of Jesus?

Ever wonder if God truly is using your life to help the next generation?

Ever feel like your spiritual investments aren't bearing any fruit?

You are not alone. We all feel like this at times.

When those feelings of doubt come flooding into your soul, remember this verse and stand on the promise it makes.

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58

Stand firm. Don't let the doubts from the enemy have any room in your life.

Don't be moved. The enemy will try to push you away from God's promises. The enemy will try to push you away from God's purpose for your life. The enemy will try to push you away from the ministry God has called you to.

Hold your ground and don't be moved. Plant your feet in God's promises and don't be moved away from what you know God called you to do.

Keep giving yourself fully to the work of the Lord. Now is the time to labor more than ever before. God has great blessings ahead for you if you don't quit. Keep pushing when you don't feel like pushing. Keep praising the Lord when you're out of breathe from the battle for the next generation.

God wants you all in. It's His work...not yours. He will keep filling your spiritual tank and give you what you need to finish the course He has set before you.

Be reminded that nothing you do for the Lord is in vain. He is working through your ministry. He is bringing forth fruit. Nothing...nothing...nothing you do is in vain.

The lessons you are teaching are not it vain.

The time you spend helping kids memorize God's Word is not in vain.

The prayers you pray for the kids in your ministry are not in vain.

The Gospel message you share with kids is not in vain.

The moments you spend holding a baby in the nursery are not in vain.

The worship songs you sing with preschoolers are not in vain.

The smiles and greetings you give to guests are not in vain.

The times you spend leading preschoolers in worship are not in vain.

The time you spend working on the sound board and computer presentations are not in vain.

The time you spend as a counselor at camp is not in vain.

The time you spend getting VBS ready so kids can hear the Gospel is not in vain.

Be encouraged. God is and will bring forth fruit from your ministry. You won't see some of the fruit from your labors until years or even decades from now. It's coming. You have not been laboring in vain.

Keep sowing. Keep investing. Keep caring. Keep sharing. Keep believing God's promises.

Your labor is never wasted.


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