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Where Will The Arrow Land?

Where will the arrow land?

If you are in children's ministry or you are a parent, I'm pretty sure you've read this verse before.

"As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, So are the children of youth." Psalm 127:4

The Bible says children are like an arrow. As parents and children's ministry leaders, our calling is to care for, mold, shape and influence the arrows. We are to prepare them for the flight they will take into this thing called life.

I know it is hard to let those arrows go when the time comes. I remember when I was leaving for college. As I was pulling out of the driveway, I looked back and saw my mother was crying. I stopped and ask her why she was crying. She said that one day I would understand when my children left home.

Sure enough, fast forward and I am dropping my son off at college. I would be 6 hours from him. It was hard. I cried and cried with my arms around my son. He looked at me and said, "It will be okay dad. I will be fine. I am excited to start a new chapter in my life."

The arrow that I had held so close over the years, needed to fly. That's what arrows are made to do.

Our job is to prepare our arrows for flight. Our job is to pour ourselves into them and give them a solid foundation in Christ that they can launch from.

But here's what we have to remember. When you release an arrow, you never know for sure where it will land.

It's not our job to make it land exactly where we think it should. God gently guides our arrows to where He wants them to be.

They may land on a foreign mission field on the other side of the world.

They may land at a college.

They may land in a church where they serve Jesus.

They may land as a successful business person who helps support the kingdom of God with his or her finances.

They may land as a witness and testimony for Christ in a difficult place.

They may land as a mom who raises her children to love and follow Jesus.

They may land as a worship leader.

They may land as a college professor who unashamedly teaches the truth.

What an awesome opportunity we have to prepare the arrows for launch time. Hold those arrows close, but when the time arrives, be willing to let them go to where ever God has planned for them.


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