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What Causes Kids to Grow Up and Love Jesus for a Lifetime?

Did you know that 78% of people who say they have no religion, actually grew up in church? They sat in our classrooms, they heard our lessons, they sang along with our praise and worship songs, they sat in our small groups and they were part of prayer time.

But when they got old enough to decide if they would stick with the faith they were brought up in, they walked away. Over 50% of these kids who grew up said they simply don't believe anymore.

It's time we stop the flow of kids who are walking away from the church and the faith.

For the last several years, I have watched, researched, read and studied why kids walk away from church and the faith. It has helped me find the big keys to seeing kids grow up to love and follow Jesus for a lifetime.

In the upcoming webinar, Fertile Soil, I will be sharing some of these keys. I will also be joined by two trusted friends who have given their lives to seeing kids grow up to love Jesus.

Kim Botto, who leads the children and student ministry at the great Crossroads Church, will be sharing why VOLUNTEERS play an important role in seeing kids follow Jesus. She is a dynamic leader and you don't want to miss her session.

Jim Wideman, who I call the godfather of children's ministry, will be sharing why PARENTS play such an important role in seeing kids love Jesus for a lifetime. Jim has lived this out and his children are a great example of kids growing up to follow Jesus because of their parents' example.

I will also be bringing a session about why the CHURCH plays such a vital role in seeing kids grow up to love Jesus. We'll talk about how the church can shut the back door and ebb the flow of kids who are walking away with no intention of returning.

You don't want to miss this webinar. I believe it will be life-changing for many ministries. When you register for the webinar, you will receive an ebook copy of my upcoming new book - Fertile Soil...See Kids' Faith Grow and Flourish for a Lifetime ($12 value -will be released in Feb).

If you can't attend the live webinar, you can still register and receive an on-demand video of it.

Are you with me? Do you also feel the burden of helping kids stick with their faith? Do you want to see kids grow up to be passionate followers of Jesus? Do you want to know how you can see this happen?

Join us for this live webinar and we'll share some key things you can do to see the kids you minister to grow up to love Jesus.

Let's see things change. Let's see kids on fire for Jesus. Let's seem them grow up with a faith that is strong and true. Join us.


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