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Throw Wood on the Fire

"His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones." -Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah compared God's Word and work in his life to a fire burning deep inside him. It was a fire that God had placed in his soul.

As children's ministry leaders, we have the awesome responsibility of fanning the flame that God places in the hearts of children.

God originates the fire. The fire comes from God's grace and work in the lives of the next generation. Our role as children's ministry leaders is to throw wood on the fire and help the next generation become all that God wants them to be.

Here are some practical ways we can "throw wood on the fire."

Help the next generation know Jesus instead of just knowing about Jesus. As we help the next generation understand that following Jesus happens through a personal relationship with Him instead of keeping a set of rules, the wood we throw on the fire will begin to grow and burn brighter in their life.

Throw a love for God's Word on the fire. As children read God's Word every day, it will keep the fire burning bright in their souls.

Throw the importance of spending time with Jesus each day in prayer on the fire. Our first calling as spiritual leaders is to spend time with Jesus.

Throw wood on the fire by helping the next generation develop a heart to reach the world with the Gospel. A burning fire in a person's soul cannot be contained. It will be shared with those you come in contact with.

Throw compassion on the fire. Compassion is other people's hurts in your heart.

Throw grace on the fire. When the next generation understands that God loves them unconditionally, they will want it.

Throw a passion for worshiping God on the fire. Remember...passion is caught more than it is taught.

Throw a vision to be used by God on the fire. The great evangelist, John Wesley said, "I set myself on fire for God and people come to watch me burn."

Throw having the right kind of friends on the fire. It is crucial that the next generation has friends who will encourage them in their Christian walk.

Throw parental involvement on the fire. Help parents see how important their role is in their child's spiritual growth.

Throw wood on the fire by being an example of what it means to follow Jesus.

What an honor and privilege we have to throw wood on what God is doing in the heart and life of the next generation.

If you will be faithful to throw wood on the fire, you will see fruit now and later down the road. I have many children who have grown up and are now pastors, godly parents, youth pastors, children's pastors and missionaries and more.

Keep throwing wood on the fire and you will see God work in the life of the next generation.


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