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The Most Important Thing You Do in Children's Ministry

There are a lot of aspects in children's ministry. No shortage of opportunities for programs, events, activities, lessons, trips, curriculum and on and on and on we could go.

But here is a question that must be answered. What is the most important thing you can do in children's ministry?

If you could only choose to do one thing, what would it be? If you had to put your entire budget into one thing, what would it be? If one thing dominated your calendar, what would it be?

I believe it comes down to one thing. One thing that should be the most important thing you do in children's ministry.

That one thing is found in Matthew 28:16-20. It's was the last charge Jesus gave the disciples before He ascended back to His Father.

Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him-

but some of them doubted! 18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

The last big job that Jesus gave the disciples was to reach people with the Gospel and disciple them. And that is our most important job as well.

Sharing the Gospel with kids and families and seeing them come to faith in Christ for their salvation. That's it. That's the most important thing we do.

We've got to keep the main thing the main thing. If we are not careful, the many things we do in children's ministry can cause us to put the main thing on the shelf.

We must constantly remind ourselves that we only have a short window of time to reach kids and families before they get older and their hearts get callous toward the Gospel.

If you are going to make reaching kids and families with the Gospel your most important thing, then that should be reflected in your programming, budget and overall strategy.

Do you have a clear plan that you follow to reach kids and families with the Gospel? Is it a top priority in your ministry? There is nothing more important.

One great tool I have used to reach kids and their families with the Gospel is a class called Starting Point. Starting Point is a one-session class where you clearly share the Gospel with kids and their parents.

When a child indicates they are interested in responding to the Gospel,

then they are invited to this class with their parents attending with them.

The power of the Gospel, never ceases to amaze me. Get kids and parents in this class and you will see so many of them accept Jesus into their life.

In one year, I saw over 430 kids come to Christ after hearing the Gospel presentation in Starting Point. And dozens and dozens of parents came to Christ as well.

Starting Point gives you a clear strategy and pathway to lead kids and parents to Christ. It has everything you need for the class including teacher's notes, media, student booklet, parent booklet, videos and graphics for your soft ware presentation.

And I've got some more good news for you. The Starting Point class curriculum is part of our year-end sale. It retails for $69 but is on sale now until Dec. 15th for only $39.

You can order it at this link. It's available as an instant download. You can also see lesson samples, videos, class materials and more at the link.

The whole purpose of this resource is to help you reach more kids and families than you ever have before.

The Gospel. It is the most important thing you do in children's ministry.

Believing with you that 2021 will be your best year ever as you share the Gospel and disciple kids and families.


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