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The Benefits of Having a Parent & Child Dedication Class

One of the ways you can make a big impact in the lives of parents and their children is to offer a Parent and Child Dedication class.

Here are some of the benefits that come with hosting a class.

You can help young parents see that they are the biggest influence in their child's life. Most Christian parents don't think about this. They feel a sense of duty to raise their child in church, but don't fully grasp just how big their role is.

At each Parent and Dedication class, I remind the parents of this one simple, but powerful truth.

No one has more influence in a child's life than his or her parents.

You can help parents see that the dedication is just as much about them as it is for their children. That's why it's important to call it PARENT and Child Dedication class.

You can give parents a blueprint for discipling their children. Deuteronomy 6 shares 4 ways you can disciple your children in the course of an ordinary day.

> Morning time

> Home time (when you are at home just hanging out)

> Drive time

> Bedtime

You can help parents see what the dedication is not. It is not part of their salvation. It is not baptism. It is not a ritual or show.

You can help parents see what the dedication is. It is a time to dedicate their children to Jesus. It is a time to pray a blessing over their children. It is a time of asking the congregation to support the parents in the discipleship of their child by praying for them, serving in key roles in children's ministry and encouraging them along the way.

It is a time to share the Gospel with parents and their extended family and friends. Parent and child dedication is a great opportunity to share the Gospel with parents and family, friends, co-workers, etc. that are invited to attend the dedication.

It helps parents see what matters most. Parents with young children are still forming their child's schedule, activities, events, etc. Parent and Child dedication is a great time to help parents see what matters most.

It is a great time to help parents see the importance of attending church faithfully. There are many options that tug for families' time and resources. One of the biggest pulls is sports. Sports are a good thing, but not when it causes families to miss church for weeks on end. It is crucial that you help young families see that attending church should be their top priority on weekends.

It's a great time to connect with families in your church. When families go through the class with you, it creates a bond with them. This will pay off now and in the years ahead. Have everything set up ahead of time so you can spend time talking with the parents before and after the dedication.

It's a great time to go over the logistics of the dedication if it is held during a church service or in another venue. Where they should sit. When they should come up front. Where they should stand. What will happen during the dedication.

It's a great time to give families a gift to remember the day by. Some ideas are a Bible. A devotion book. A parenting book. A framed portrait.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of teaching this class at my home church. This Sunday we will have the honor of dedicating the children and their parents to Jesus. Can't wait. It's going to be awesome.

Do you need a Parent and Child dedication class? Or maybe you have one but want something fresh and new.

I've got you covered.

One of the milestone kits I offer churches is a Parent and Child Dedication class material resource. This resource is just what you need for this. It was developed in a local church setting and has been used to help ground thousands of parents in the faith and set them on the path to successful parenting.

This resources includes...

Parent & Child Dedication Class. A comprehensive class that not only helps you teach parents what the dedication is all about, but also gives them insight into how to raise their children to love and follow Jesus. It is crucial to speak into the lives of parents while their kids are still young. By doing this, you can help them prioritize their lives and have a Christ-centered approach to parenting.

The class materials include:

  • Teacher's guide (over 40 pages of teaching notes and insight).

  • Media presentation files with teaching videos, graphics and music - ready to drop into any presentation software such s Power Point, Pro Presenter, Media Shout, Key Note, etc.

  • Full color, ready-to-print handbook for each parent.

  • Ready-to-print resources for the parents such as prayer calendars and prayer bookmarks.

  • Class is fun, interactive and keeps parents engaged.

  • Lots of great discussion starters and thought provoking insight.

  • Includes teaching for single parents.

  • Everything is editable and can be customized to fit your ministry.

  • Available as an instant download.

Parent & Child Dedication Celebration. A carefully planned format that will help you impact families and create a memorable experience that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives.

The Celebration includes:

  • Two format options - one is held as part of your weekend service and the other option gives you a full format for hosting the celebration as a separate event, outside of weekend services.

  • Dedication certificate template - ready to add your names and print.

  • Detailed notes and layout to help you pull off an excellent celebration.

  • Media presentation with teaching notes, graphics, and music - ready to drop into any presentation software such s PowerPoint, Pro Presenter, Media Shout, Key Note, etc.

  • Invitation card template - so families can invite their unchurched friends, neighbors, co-workers and family to the event.

  • Everything is editable and can be customized to fit your ministry.

  • Available as an instant download.

You get both the class and the celebration resources for one price.

Want to see more about the class?

A Parent and Child dedication class is one of the most important things you can do for the children and families in your church.


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