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Teaching Kids About Missions

From an early age, it is vital that we help our children gain an understanding and vision for world missions.

Here are some ways you can teach the kids in your ministry about missions.

Talk about world missions frequently and explain why you are involved in missions individually and as a church.

The Great Commission is a great passage of Scripture to have kids memorize and learn about.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Raise money for missions. Think about having a VBS or other special event where you collect money for missions. You can even make it fun by having an offering contest to see which team can raise the most money.

When they are in the area on furlough, have missionaries come and talk with the children. Have them share what it is like to be a missionary and the blessings and joy you receive when serving in this capacity.

Have the kids put together a care package for a missionary and his/her family.

Do a live Skype or Zoom call online and let the children talk with a missionary and ask questions, pray and interact with the missionary in real time.

Be intentional about praying for missionaries. Create prayer cards for teachers, kids and parents to use as prayer reminders. A great time to do this is right before you eat your evening meal together. Pray for a missionary before you start eating.

Tell the kids stories about missionaries and encourage them to read about them. Missionaries like Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, William Carey, Jim Elliot, Elisabeth Elliot, Nate Saint, Lottie Moon and more.

Take up offerings for missionaries on a regular basis. Connect the kids to the missionaries they are giving to.

Train and encourage the kids to be missionaries where they are now. They can be a missionary at their school, in their neighborhood, on their sports team and other opportunities where God opens the door.

I shared earlier this week about a pre-teen girl who attends the church my brother pastors.

This past weekend, we had a baptism service on Sunday morning after the service. Several of the people who were baptized had invited many of their family, friends, classmates, etc.

One pre-teen girl who was baptized had went to school and personally invited her entire class to come see her get baptized. Yes, that is correct. She invited them one person at a time.

Sunday, this young lady had 14 unchurched families come to church and her baptism. Yes, you read that correctly...14 new unchurched families.

This type of thing can become more common when we begin teaching children they can be missionaries right now. They don't have to wait until they can go overseas to another country to be a missionary. They are a missionary to people at their school, sport's team, neighborhood, etc.

Kids that are actively sharing their faith are much more likely to keep their faith and not walk away.

Teach kids about missions...it was Jesus' last command while He was here on earth and it's one of the most important things kids can learn.


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