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Should People Who Are Gay Be Allowed to Serve in Children's Ministry?

I realize this is a controversial topic, but it needs to be addressed.

Should people who are gay be allowed to serve in children's ministry?

There have been a lot of debates in recent years about this matter.

Those who are for gay rights would say "yes," they should be allowed to serve.

Those who oppose the gay agenda would say "no."

Here is what I believe. I do not believe people who are gay should serve in children's ministry.

Why not? Because I believe children are extremely impressionable.

Anyone who serves in children's ministry has direct leadership influence over children. And the gay lifestyle is not a lifestyle we want to promote or expose children to.

The determining factor that guides us in this decision making process must be the unadulterated Word of God.

I believe anyone who is involved in sex outside of marriage between a man and woman, should not serve in children's ministry.

People living in adultery should not serve in children's ministry.

People who are living together unmarried should not serve in children's ministry.

People who are involved in fornication (single people involved in sex) should not serve in children's ministry.

Anyone who has been involved in child pornography should never serve in children's ministry. Not ever. No way. No how.

Anyone who has abused a child in the past should never serve in children's ministry. Not ever. No way. No how.

Here is what we must remember.

It is a "privilege" to serve in children's ministry. It is nobody's "right" to serve in children's ministry.

When you serve in children's ministry, you are a direct influence upon them. We need godly people who are living within the principles and teachings of God's Word when it comes to sex.

Our first concern must be the spiritual development of children and helping them gain a Biblical worldview. That's hard to accomplish when you have leaders who, by example, are leading children in a different direction.

Yes. We are to love everyone. Yes. We are to treat everyone with respect. But that doesn't mean that we place people in leadership over the next generation whose lifestyle is contrary to God's Word.

Tolerance can't be the determining factor.

Verses twisted to make it seem okay can't be the determining factor.

Appearing to be judgemental can't be the determining factor.

Being seen as a "bigot" or "homophobic" can't be the determining factor.

The determining factor that guides us in this decision making process must be the unadulterated Word of God.

For the sake of the generation to come, we must follow what the Word of God says in these matters.


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