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Satan After School Clubs...Coming to a School Near You

We are in a war for the next generation. Behind it all, is a fallen angel named Lucifer.

"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

Lucifer never lets up. He knows His time is short, so He is going all out to attack the next generation and put a stop to all evangelistic efforts that are aimed at reaching them.

I have personally dealt with a teenager who was demon-possessed. I won't share the details, but I'll admit, it was a scary thing to encounter and it made me realize at a new level how much Satan wants to control the next generation.

His latest visible attack on the next generation is to start Satan Clubs in public schools. The clubs are sponsored by The Satanic Temple. It is a non-theistic religious organization based in Salem, Massachusetts.

Here's what one of Lucifer's minions has to say about this.

Lucien Greaves, a co-founder, and spokesman for The Satanic Temple, says "if you let one religion into the public schools, you have to let in others. We are only doing this because Good News Clubs have created a need for this. If Good News Clubs would operate in churches rather than public schools, that need would disappear."

One of the Satan clubs in California is open for children as low as 5-years-old. It is called "Educatin' with Satan." Obviously, the "education" they are offering is in direct opposition to God's Word.

We must remember that...

In the race to a child's heart, the first one there wins. -George Barna

We must see the importance of reaching and discipling children when they are still young. It starts by pouring into children as early as the nursery. If we do not, we could lose the next generation.

You can be sure that Lucifer and his demons will not let up. They are relentless in their attacks against Jehovah God and His followers.

The Good News...we are on the winning side. We know how it will all end one day. Until then, we must be proactive and faithfully share the Gospel with kids and families.

I am thankful for every group that has a ministry in their local schools. These ministries are on the front lines. Let's continue to lift them up in prayer. They are making a huge impact for the kingdom of God and are reaching many children and families for Christ.

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