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Questions...Encourage Kids To Ask Them

Kids can ask some tough questions and that's a good thing.

If kids are going to make it spiritually in today's secular culture, they have to know "why" they believe what they believe.

This video gives us a comical look at some of the tough questions kids can ask their spiritual leaders.

According to a study, kids average asking 73 questions a day. The biggest percentage is asked to a parent.

As a parent or children's ministry leader, it can be intimidating when you are faced with kids' hard questions. So what should you do? Here are some steps that can help you.

Welcome kids' tough questions. Our prayer should be that our children will come to us when facing life's tough questions. In fact, I encourage parents to be proactive and bring the hard questions to their kids.

See it as an opportunity to help children cultivate a deep faith in God. Working through the tough questions can be a pivotal moment in kids' lives. It can help them grow spiritually and get a solid foundation for their future. We don't want to wait until kids are in high school or college before they hear these type of questions. Let's help them get the right answers now.

Don't be hesitant about saying "That's a great question. Let me think about it and I will get back to you." You won't always have an answer in the moment. But you can do some research and get back to them with the answer.

Dig in and find the answers. This presents a great opportunity to grow and learn as a leader or parent. Do the research and be prepared to come back with solid, Biblical answers.

The primary people kids will bring the hard questions to will be their parents. We must help parents see that parenting is more about relationship than rules. If their children know their parents love them deeply and want the best for them, they will continue to come to them with questions.

Help parents prepare for those hard questions.

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15

Help parents see that this will not be a one-time conversation. Rather it will be an ongoing conversation and will help build trust and deepen your relationship.

Teach apologetics to kids. The battle for the heart and soul of the next generation has moved down all the way into preschool. I recently shared an article about Paw Patrol (popular show for preschoolers) introducing a "non-binary, transgender character."

I have created two apologetics teaching series for kids. The series examine the hard questions and helps kids and parents find the right answers.

We can't wait until kids are in high school to teach them apologetics. At a minimum, we must start in the early elementary years.

These 4-week series can be used for small groups, Sunday school,

mid-week, retreats and more.

We must always let our children know that our job is to teach and help them through life. One of the best ways we can do this is by being open and honest when it comes to tough questions.

Here are some of the tough questions that kids may ask. Be prepared to answer these.

Who made God?

Why does God let bad things happen on earth?

Why do people die? What happens when we die?

How come I can't see God? Is He invisible?

Where do babies come from? (parent only question)

Why does God let people do bad things?

How do we know the Bible is true?

I leave you with this verse:

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15


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