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New Resources From Dale Hudson

I trust your summer is off to a great start. Here are a few resources I hope you’ll find helpful as you minister.

Are you concerned about children who grow up and walk away from the faith? In a day when we see so many young people walking away from the church and even the faith, this new book offers hope and a Biblical strategy that can counteract the exodus. In this book, Dale takes you on a journey to understand why the next generation is leaving the church and how we can change that and instead, see them follow Jesus for a lifetime. More information and available for purchase at this link.

Do you want the kids in your ministry to know WHY they believe what they believe? Teaching kids apologetics has never been as crucial as it is today. In this 4 week series, kids will dive deep and discover why we believe God exists, why we believe Jesus is God's Son, why we believe the Bible is God's Word and why we believe God created us. Can you be used for Sunday School, small groups, children's worship, Wednesday nights and more. See lesson and video samples at this link.

Do you want to bring Dale to your church, ministry or event to speak and invest in your people? He is now booking for fall 2022 and 2023. Here are a few ways He can use 33 years of ministry experience to help you take your ministry to the next level.

  • Children's Ministry conferences

  • Ministry evaluations (secret shopper style)

  • Volunteer training and encouragement

  • Speak to your entire church about the importance of reaching the next generation

  • Live online training

Dale is a much-in-demand speaker who brings passion, vision and encouragement when he speaks. You can be sure your people will be encouraged, inspired and renewed.

He will work within your budget to make it affordable for your ministry event.

Do you want to have more leadership influence with the volunteer team you lead?

Do you want to see the ministry you lead grow and flourish?

Are you looking for someone who can help you get to the next level as a children's and family ministry leader?

Do you want someone who will personally invest in you and your ministry?

Are you looking for someone who can help you navigate the challenges and struggles you are facing?

  • 6 months of live coaching (July to December)

  • Personalized growth plan including finding your blind spots

  • Copy of 4 of Dale's books ($63 value)

Space is limited and the deadline to register is June 27th.

Thank you for your heart for kids and families. You are a difference maker.

Your Fan,



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