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My Sunday Children's Ministry Schedule

When I am not traveling to speak and consult with churches, I attend and serve at my home church - City Church.

Here's the Sunday children's ministry schedule we follow at my home church.

9:30 am - Huddle

The Huddle is for all CM volunteers from babies to 6th grade. We start off by sharing a joke or something that is funny. It's important to start the meeting off with a happy and joyful spirit.

We then read a passage of scripture and share a 3-5 minute devotion. We also talk about any special details for the day.

We then take prayer requests and pray for the needs of the day and ask God to work through our ministry to change kids' and families' lives.

We close out the huddle by stacking hands and then saying - 1,2,3, City Kids!

9:45 am - Check-in begins.

We open check-in and start receiving children into the rooms at 9:45 am.

9:45 am to 10:05 am - Pre-service fun time.

Kids age Kindergarten - 6th grade can hang out in the room. Volunteers engage kids by talking with them, playing games like Connect Four, doing crafts, etc.

This is an important time. By spending time with the kids before service starts, volunteers can build relationships with the kids and earn their trust. When we show kids we care about them by spending time with them, it will open up their hearts to listen to what we are teaching them later in large group and small group time.

10:05 am to 10:15 am - Pre-service songs and key truth.

We do 2 upbeat, high-energy worship songs with motions. We then go over our key truth for the day.

10:15 am to 10:20 am - Dismissal to age-graded rooms.

10:20 am - 11:15 am - Age-graded lessons. Lessons include worship song(s), Bible memorization, a Bible story, application, crafts, activities, etc.

11:15 am - 11:30 am - Dismissal and pick-up time.

11:30 - 12:30 - Milestone events / classes when scheduled.

You can get more information about these milestones by clicking above.

There you have it. That's what Sunday morning looks like when I am home.

Your turn. What does your Sunday morning schedule look like? Share in the comment section below.


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