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Little Folks

I was thinking about my grandmother this morning. She passed away a little over a year ago.

She was a faithful Sunday School teacher for many, many years. She would spend time each week preparing her lesson for the children she lovingly called the "Little Folks."

The "Little Folks" were the children that God had entrusted her to teach and disciple.

Teaching the "Little Folks" was something she was very passionate about.

Many of the children she taught went on to become pastors, deacons, Sunday school teachers, etc. The impact she made bore fruit then and now as many of the "Little Folks" she taught continue to serve Jesus to this day.

And while my grandmother is now in heaven, the seeds she planted over the years continue to bear fruit.

Throughout Scripture, we see God's love and commitment to reach the coming generations with the Gospel. There are lots of little folks to reach. There are currently over 2.2 billion "Little Folks" on this planet. We must reach them while their hearts are open and receptive to the Gospel.

We know most of the people who come to Jesus do so before the age of 18. The "Little Folks" are the greatest mission field in the world.

Remember this classic song from when you were a kid?

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus died for all the children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus died for all the children of the world.

Jesus rose for all the children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus rose for all the children of the world.

May God find us busy sharing the Gospel with the "Little Folks."


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