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Key Things to Remember When Promoting Kids to the Next Grade at Church

One of the exciting times for kids at church is when they get to move up to the next grade.

It's an important time and you need to have a plan for it.

Here are some key things to remember when you are promoting kids to the next grade level.

Have a clear plan for parents that explains the transition and how you can partner with them during this time. Include steps you are taking and any preview days or events that will take place.

Clearly communicate your promotion plan to parents. Promotion can be a challenging time for parents. Some are afraid and uncertain as their "baby" moves into middle school. Some of them are nervous as their child is moving up to 1st grade.

Prepare the kids by letting them experience a small part of the classroom they will be moving into. Take them over to their new classroom for a small part of the service. Let them meet the volunteers who serve there. By helping the kids get acquainted with their new room, it will help reduce any anxiety they may be feeling.

Have a clear plan for the kids who are moving into the student ministry. The jump from elementary ministry to student ministry is a big one. It is also a critical time to make sure all of the children make the transition smoothly.

In the last months before the transition, have the student ministry pastor / leaders come over several times to the children's classes and spend some time with the kids so they can get to know them.

Seize the opportunity to invest in the lives of the children who are moving up to student ministry and their parents. This transition is a key milestone event. You will have the attention of parents.

Have a Graduation Celebration. Kids and their parents attend together. I've got everything you need to host this milestone event. It creates a solid bridge between your children's ministry and student ministry. You should partner with student ministry for this event.

It helps you create a powerful, life-changing, shared experience for the kids and their parents. Guaranteed to impact them. Be prepared to see lots of tears as you guide parents through blessing and praying over their children as part of the celebration.

Decide when you will move the kids up to the next grade. Some people like to move kids up at the beginning of summer. Other people like to wait until school is starting back up.

Personally, I prefer to do the transition right after school dismisses for the summer. Once a child finishes a grade, they immediately say they are in the next grade. Plus it gives leaders and volunteers time to connect with and get to know the kids before school starts back.

Another one of the key times you can equip parents is when their children are entering elementary school. Bible Presentation & Celebration is a shared experience for kids and their parents at this crucial time in their life.

This resource helps kids and parents grow in their love for God's Word and for each other. Families who participate, give it rave reviews and talk about how it impacts not only their child's faith, but also deepens their relationship with their child.

It will help you create a life-changing experience for kids and their parents.

Here's what it's all about...

  • A one-time class that kids and parents take together, where they learn how we got the Bible, foundational truths about the Bible and how to make it an important part of their life.

  • Helps children see and understand God's Big Story found in the Bible and how they are part of it.

  • Equips parents to lead their children to love God's Word as they enter their elementary years.

  • Speaks into the lives of parents and helps them see why it's important to raise their children in church and attend consistently.

  • A life-changing experience as parents present their child with a Bible and speak a blessing over them.

  • A time of prayer as parents pray over their children.

Encourage volunteers to move up to the next grade with the children when it is doable. One of the biggest ways volunteers can make a difference in the lives of the children is to move up with them and continue to be their teacher / small group leader over the years. I have personally seen volunteers move up with the children in their classroom / small group through all the grades. This results in a huge impact in the lives of the children.

So there you have it. Some key things to remember when promoting kids to the next grade at church. What are some other things you do when promoting kids to the next grade at church? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.


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