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Inside Look at First Baptist Orlando's New Children's Ministry Area

This past week I was in Orlando, speaking at a children's ministry conference.

My good friend, Heath Bryant, is the children's pastor at First Baptist Orlando. It is an amazing church that is highly committed to reaching the next generation.

They recently opened up their new children's ministry area. I stopped by for a tour and it is one of the best kidmin spaces I have ever seen.

Below are some pictures I took if you'd like to see it.

For many years, I have been an advocate of creating great spaces for kids. Here are some reasons why...

  • It makes a statement that your church really cares about kids and is proving it by investing in them.

  • A nice children's building will make your ministry seem better than it really is and a space that is not kid-friendly will make your ministry seem not as good as it really is.

  • Great kid's space alone won't bring kids back for a second visit, but it will get them there for the first visit.

  • Jesus will bless the church that invests in the next generation.

As you look at these pictures, you might be thinking "Our church could never afford to do something like that."

Let me encourage you. Do what you can with what God has given you and He will bless you for it. In one of the first churches where I served, we had around 40 people on Sunday with maybe 2-3 kids. The kids ministry met in the basement in an old dusty room. It was literally the only space available. I looked at that empty room and thought "I have no money to decorate this, but let me see what I can do with no money.

I decided to make it a clubhouse theme. I went out in the woods and found some tree limbs that had fallen, some leaves, etc. and attached it to the entry door. I also made a sign that said "welcome to the clubhouse." The Lord began to bless that little children's ministry and we started growing.

Here's a word for you. Do what you can. Take what God has placed in your hands and use it as best you know how for His glory. Remember, the boy with the lunch had very little to give but Jesus took it and did a miracle with it.

Whatever you can do....go for it. It might be as simple as bringing in some kid-friendly paint colors or making some props for the teaching area or hallways. And don't sell yourself short. Dream big. Share your vision with your pastor and other church leaders. Take a step in faith because you never know what God may do.


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