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Has Your Church Forgotten About Children's Ministry?

I was at a church a few years ago that had no children. No babies. No toddlers. No preschoolers. No elementary children. No teenagers.

As I looked around, it became very clear that this church was dying a slow death. Zoom forward a few years and you will see a church that is permanently closed.

If you ask me what happened, I would respond by saying, "They were not intentional about passing on the faith to the next generation."

A recent report from Barna has revealed that 56% of children's ministry leaders agree somewhat that children's ministry is often forgotten by their church.

What are some signs that a church has forgotten about children's ministry?

Physical Space - the place where children meet at the church is subpar. Kids meet in an old, musty basement or in another space that is not kid-friendly. The church spends big money on things like choir robes while the children's ministry rooms are bland and uninviting for kids.

Personnel - the church makes it a priority to have a full-time choir director, small groups director, etc. while little to no money is allocated for a children's ministry director / pastor.

People - there is a big shortage on volunteers. People serve in other ministries while the children's ministry is struggling to have enough volunteers to operate.

Profile - you rarely hear about what is going on in the children's ministry. There might be a small blurb in the bulletin once in a while, but for the most part, people are vaguely aware that you have a children's ministry.

It's crazy to think that many churches have forgotten about children's ministry or not made it a key part of their ministry. Forgetting or negating children's ministry sounds a death knell for a church.

Do you want God's blessings on your church? Then children's ministry must be a top priority. Look what Jesus says in Mark 9:36-37.

Then He put a little child among them. Taking the child in His arms, He said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.' Mark 9:36-37.

The church or ministry that minimizes children's ministry will minimize Jesus' blessings. But the church that maximizes children's ministry will maximize Jesus' blessings on their church.

Your church or ministry can thrive in the days ahead if you will make children's ministry a priority. Do you want to reach unchurched families with the Gospel? It will happen through children's ministry. Do you want to see your church grow? It will happen through children's ministry. Do you want Jesus' blessings on your church? It will happen through children's ministry.

As the children's ministry leader, your role is to keep children's ministry as a top priority. You have to be the squeaky wheel. Take articles like this and share it with your church leadership. Be the advocate for children's ministry. If you don't do this, who will?

Time and time again, I have seen great things happen when the church where I was serving kept children's ministry at the forefront. Each time we focused on children's ministry, the church experienced significant growth.

Has your church forgotten about children's ministry? Be the leader that champions children's ministry and keeps it at the forefront.


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