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Gen Z...Key Findings You Need to Know

Gen Z. They were born between 1996 and the early-mid 2000s (end date can vary depending on source).

They are older elementary children through young adults. Some attend your ministry and some serve in your ministry.

(*The next generation behind them is Gen Alpha. You can read more about Gen Alpha at this link.)

Many of these findings reveal key info that can help you reach and disciple Gen Z.

There are over 65 million members of Gen Z in the U.S.

Netflix is used by Gen Z more than any other generation - 71% have a subscription.

98% own a smartphone.

60% want a job that will impact the world.

Bullying, not getting along with others and personal debt are their most significant stressors.

They are the most racially diverse generation in the history of the United States.

They have an 8 second attention span.

48% identify as "completely heterosexual."

Gen Z get an average weekly allowance of $23 dollars. 63% want to see "real people" instead of celebrities in advertising.

If offered a job in an organization with a mission they care about, 30% of Gen Z would agree to a 10-20% pay cut.

55% of Gen Z use their smartphones for five or more hours daily.

80% of Gen Z hope to work with cutting-edge technologies. 91% cite technology as the most important factor when choosing a job.

They are the first generation that doesn’t know a world without the Web or smartphones.

Only 45% watch cable TV.

57% of Gen Z prefer to shop in brick and mortar stores, while 26.7% do so on their mobile.

64% of Gen Z consumers believe brands should provide a personalized experience.

For a Gen Z to make a purchase, you have to emphasize a personalized experience.

The loyalty program is the path to their heart. 63.36% of Gen Z shoppers participate in at least one loyalty program. The top loyalty programs among Gen Zers in the US are:


Ulta beauty



American Eagle Outfitters

Gen Z are more inclined towards virtual worship rather than conventional religion.

They like to shop online. By 2040, over 95% of all purchases will be made online.

70% have written at least one review. 40% give feedback often.

Stats show that word-of-mouth recommendations are among the most influential drivers of purchases. The same goes for online reviews.

59% can’t go a day without texting.

46% follow at least 10 influencers on social media.

51% of Gen Z prefer face-to-face communication, while only a quarter favors digital communication.

70% of Gen Z watch an average of two hours of YouTube videos daily.

Gen Z watches two times more videos on mobile devices than any other generation.

Here are some of my key take-a-ways that I thought about while studying these stats.

  • Communicate with them with your smartphone.

  • They want to make a difference. Invite them to the "why" of your ministry.

  • Is your ministry diverse? It needs to be if you want to reach Gen Z.

  • Honor their short attention span. You have 8 seconds for them to decide if they want to give you their attention or not.

  • Gen Z is not just looking to buy products. They are looking for products that can give them a unique experience. Give them an exciting experience and you will capture their loyalty.

  • Ask them to do some reviews for your ministry.

  • Get your ministry on YouTube. 70% of Gen Z watch YouTube videos for 2 hours a day.

As you navigate reaching the next generation, it is important to know how they think, what they like and how you can connect with them effectively. I would encourage you to continue to seek more information about Gen Z and their unique characteristics. We only have a short window of time to reach them while they are young and receptive to the Gospel.


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