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Gay Captain America is Arriving

The first gay Captain America is set to arrive in comic books in June.

This Captain America will be "Captain America of the Railways." His mission is to protect runaways and homeless youth.

This Captain America will be openly gay. The comic book that features him will be published during Pride Month.

Why is a gay character being brought into comic books? The obvious answer is this. Those perpetuating a LGBTQ agenda are targeting the next generation with their message. They want coming generations to see the gay lifestyle as normal and acceptable...even to the point of celebrating it. Hence the pride month release.

Today's kids are growing up in a culture that promotes and celebrates the very things that God says are wrong and go against His Word. When it comes to relationships that God blesses and approves of, our nation has been sliding downward for years now. As a society, we have reached the point where we are calling good evil and evil good.

What should we do?

How can we protect our children from the tide of immorality that is flowing their way?

How can we equip students to know what God's Word says about this subject?

How can we help parents have healthy conversations about this with their children?

As church leaders, it is not appropriate to have these conversations with the children in our ministry. That is dad and mom's job. Our role is to equip parents with the resources and information they need to lead their children through this.

In today's culture, it is very hard to keep kids completely in the dark about such matters. With social media and so many news outlets, it is nearly impossible.

And to be honest, I don't believe we should keep our children totally in the dark about this. We must (age-appropriately) equip them to know what God's Word says and how it applies to our lives today.

We must help the next generation build a strong foundation that will help them withstand the tide of immorality that is heading their way. If we do not, the next generation will be swept away and immersed in a culture that pushes aside God's Word so their own lusts can be pursued.

Parents must teach their children to love all people and share with them that Jesus offers grace, mercy and forgiveness. Parents must teach their children to share with grace and truth. It takes both to reach people.

We must remember, as followers of Christ, that we are in this world, but we are not of this world. We march to the sound of a different drummer. We get our marching orders from our Lord and Savior.

Taking a stand against immorality is not because we hate anyone. It's because we are following God's way of living. We must shout the good news of the Gospel from the mountain tops.

If we don't, who will?

If we don't equip parents in these matters, who will?

If we don't show people what God's Word says about this, who will?

If we don't reach the next generation and disciple them, who will?

I am reminded of what Ephesians 6:13 says...

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

We must equip parents to disciple their children. We must prepare them, so they can help their children stand strong in God's Word.


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