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Every Child in Your Ministry Needs This to Happen Every Week

Discipleship happens through relationships.

Kids don't care how much you know about the Bible until they know how much you care about them.

One of the best ways to show kids you care about them is by making direct eye contact.

Did you know that the average child only has someone (including their parents) look into their eyes for 15 seconds a day? Just 15 seconds.

If your ministry is going to grow and reach kids for Jesus, then make sure every child has someone that notices them and engages with them in conversation, prayer and discussion.

Here are some questions / statements you can ask/tell kids when you are connecting with them.

"I'm so glad you are here."

"How did your week go?"

"You are an awesome kid."

"Today is going to be an awesome day in church. I'm so glad you are here."

"The room just got brighter when you walked in."

Make sure you are looking at the kids instead of through the kids. Don't get distracted. Focus on the child that God has placed before you in that moment.

Get on their eye level. We forget what it's like to be a preschooler and be looking up at a tall person. Bend over or better yet, get on your knees, so you can make direct eye contact.

Small groups are a great way to connect with kids on a personal level. You can't engage kids as well when they are sitting in a row of chairs for the entire service. Be intentional about getting kids in a group where they will be known, heard, cared for and invested in.

When a child looks into the eyes of a person that cares for them and loves them, it can change their life forever. All it takes is one person to impact them for eternity.

p.s. This is another reason why in person services are more effective than online services.


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