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Competing or Completing?

A few days ago I was on a live, streaming program with my longtime friend, Ricardo Miller. Ricardo is the Founder and CEO of Effective Living, LLC. He specializes in Life Management Coaching and Personal Development Training. He can help you take yourself and your ministry to a new level of effectiveness.

During the show, he shared a quote that really grabbed my attention. The quote is this...

"God has called us not to compete but to complete."

We all have a tendency at times to spend more time competing with other believers instead of focusing on completing the mission God has for us. We secretly compare ourselves to others. This leads to either pride (my ministry is larger than theirs, we have better buildings than they do) or it leads to discouragement (I wish I had the budget they do, why does she always get to speak at conferences).

Paul often used sports analogies in his teachings. Look what he says in 2 Timothy 4:7-8.

"I have fought the good fight, I have FINISHED THE RACE, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me - the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to His appearing."

Paul reminds us that we are in a race. The race is not against other believers. Rather we are racing to complete the course God has for us.

Stay in your lane. Competing comes from looking at other peoples' races. Remember, you are not called to run their race. You are called to complete the race God has given you. Turn your gaze to Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And other races will fall away as He beckons you to remain faithful to the race He created for you. He is standing at your finish line. Cheering you on to complete the race He prepared for you. Keep your eyes on the finish line God has for you. No one can else can complete your race. It's exclusively designed for you. You are not competing against others. Rather, Jesus is urging you on so you can cross the finish line He has laid out before you.

Don't let envy, jealousy or comparison slow you down. When you are looking at other racers, it takes your attention away from the finish line and can slow you down. Realize that God created a race for you and no one else can run your unique race. He created you for a special time in history. He created you to complete a mission that He exclusively prepared for you.

He didn't look down and say, ("oh...there's (your name) I better find him or her something to do." No. He had a special, unique job that He created just for you. Your calling is to complete that mission and one day hear the words, "Well done. Good and faithful servant." Competing or completing? Which are you doing?


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