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Breaking Down Ministry Silos

In many churches, you will find that the different departments do very little collaboration or serving together.

Adult ministry does their own thing.

Student ministry does their own thing.

Children's ministry does their own thing.

This is understandable. It can be difficult to work with other ministries in your church, if you are not intentional about reaching out to them. And the departments are...to put it simple...busy. Busy trying to build their volunteer team. Busy planning and pulling off initiatives and big events.

But working in silos may not be the best way to accomplish meaningful ministry. I personally believe we should push away from working in silos and actively look for ways to partner with other ministries in the church.

You should break down ministry silos because it makes for more efficient ministry. Here's an example. When children's ministries collaborate with student ministries, it makes the transition from elementary to middle school much easier.

It helps you build relationships with the team members of other departments. You get to know their names and roles and how you can support each other.

It helps you better understand what the other departments do. You will discover how they support the vision of the church. You will be more open to partnering with them. An easy example. You are having a trunk and treat outreach event. if you have connections with the adult ministry, you can ask them to help by bringing some cars and candy for the event.

You will better understand why they do what they do. It will help you understand not just what they do, but why they do it. You can then discover how their ministry helps make the vision of the church become a reality.

It can help eliminate the "us. vs. them" mentality. It's easy to get so involved in your ministry, that you forget that you are in this together. If you are not careful, you can began competing and disunity can develop. This will end up taking down the team and fragmenting it. It takes teamwork to make the dream work.

Good communication is crucial. I believe the most effective way to break down ministry silos is through good communication. You can't leave other departments in the dark and then expect them to immediately be on board with your project at the last minute. Communicate early. Communicate clearly. Communicate thoroughly.

God will bless a church that is unified behind a common vision or goal. And Jesus said people will know we are His disciples when we love one another. So let the silos fall and see what God does.


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