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Blind Spots

I have a little car that has terrible blind spots. The way the car is designed makes it hard to see other vehicles that are slightly beside you.

In leadership, they call them blind spots for a reason. You can't see them. Just like the blind spot in my car, you can't see it unless you are intentionally looking at a couple of angles to compensate for the blind spot.

It's the same way in ministry leadership.

You think you are doing okay in an area of your leadership but your blind spots indicate otherwise.

The tricky part about blind spots is uncovering them. You can't do it by yourself. It takes other people to help you uncover them and then help you grow from it.

A crucial part of this is having the courage to uncover your blind spots.

It tends to make people uncomfortable. It takes courage to face your weaknesses. It takes courage to grow in those areas. But remember

...nothing grows in your comfort zone.

That's where it helps to discover your blind spots. Though it will be uncomfortable, you will come out the other side a better, more self-aware leader. It will push you out of your comfort zone and stretch you. And that's a good thing if you want to be a better leader.

I can help you uncover your blind spots. I can help you grow in those areas and become a much better leader because of it.

Part of the Advance Children's Ministry Coaching Experience is helping you uncover your blind spots. I do this by contacting people that you recommend for this. Together we look at the feedback from these people and from it formulate a strategy that will help you grow in those areas.

I am now accepting applications for our next Advance Coaching Experience. It will run from January 1 to June 30, 2021. Deadline to register is December 15.

You can get more information about the coaching experience at this link - click here.

2021 is going to be a pivotal year for children's ministry. There are lots of unknowns facing us. Now more than ever, we need strong leaders who can navigate the changes and set a straight course of action that will make 2021 the best year in ministry ever!

Come join me. Together, we can help you become a better leader.


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