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Back-to-School Prayers

School is starting back. Soon the hallways of our local schools will be filled with students and teachers. There will be a mixture of feelings and emotions. Anxiety. Anticipation. Excitement. Happiness. Doubt. Nervousness. Optimism.

Whatever feelings and emotions parents, children and teachers are facing, we know that prayer makes a big difference.

As children's ministry leaders, we should cover children, teachers and parents with prayer as they enter this new school year.

Our prayers can make a difference this school year. Look what this verse says.

“The earnest prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available – dynamic in its working.”

James 5:16

When we pray, God begins to work and make His tremendous power available to cover and bless those we are praying for. Prayer will make the difference.

There has never been a time when our children, parents and teachers need prayer more than now. We are seeing the enemy at work more than ever before. In John 10:10, we see that he comes bringing theft, murder and destruction.

But we can repel his attacks with prayer. Here are some prayers you can pray as the new school year begins.

Child's Prayer:

Dear God, You have promised to always be with me. I pray that You would be with me today as I start a new school year. Bless me, my fellow students and our teachers. Bless my learning. Drive away any fear that I may have about the new school year. Please keep me safe. I ask You to bring good friends into my life. Kids who love You and want to serve You as I do. Thank You for loving me. I love You and want to follow You. Make me a shining light for You at my school. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Parent's Prayer:

Dear God, I ask for Your wisdom, understanding and discernment as my child starts a new school year. Give me wisdom and understanding as I lead my child. I ask you to make me brave when I feel afraid, strong when I feel weak and peace when I feel overwhelmed. Bless my child as he/she starts the journey of a new school year. Watch over my child. Guide my child. Bring good friends into my child's life. Give him/her the strength he/she needs to say "no" to temptation and "yes" to Your will for his/her life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Teachers and School Leaders:

Dear God, thank You for the teachers and school leaders in our community. We pray for them today. Watch over them, provide for them and sustain them. Give them Your wisdom and understanding as they teach and lead. Give them divine favor with the students. Encourage them when they wonder if they are making a difference. Strengthen them when they are tired. Care for them when they are in need. Bless them as they interact with the students and parents this year. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

As you and your children pray these prayers, remember this...

"Time spent with God is never time wasted."

We serve a mighty God who loves us and can give us wisdom, understanding and boldness as we and our children live out our life in Christ and put our trust in His divine power.

I was talking the other day with someone about the story of David Wilkerson. You may have heard of his book entitled " The Cross and the Switchblade." It's the true story of when he went to New York City to try to reach some street gangs with the Gospel.

He rented out an auditorium to have a church service for the street gangs of NYC. Two rival gangs showed up for the service and about half-way through the service these two gangs jumped up and were about to fight. David began to pray and the Spirit of the Lord came down into the room and stopped the fight that was about to happen.

In the stillness of the moment, David shared the Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of the gang members came forward and met Jesus. Many of them went on to become ministers. The most well-known ex-gang member turned preacher is Nicky Cruz. Nickie has been used by God to reach people all over the world as he shares his story of God's grace.

All of that happened because of the power of the Spirit of God. When we pray God shows up in power and changes people's lives.

Prayer works. Let's be faithful to cover our schools with prayer and we will see God change people's hearts and lives.


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