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8 Important Steps to Take After VBS (or whatever you call it)

Summers were made for VBS! What a great opportunity it gives us to reach and disciple the next generation.

Let's be honest. It takes a lot of work to pull off a VBS. Enlisting volunteers. Putting together craft items. Preparing music, skits and a message for chapel time. Buying snacks and juices. Decorating. You get the point.

But guess what? It's worth it. The decisions children make for Christ make every minute we put in worth it. Can I get an Amen?

Once VBS is over, there are some important steps you can take that will help you maximize the after-effects of the event. Let's look at 10 essential steps you can take after VBS.

#1 - Volunteer appreciation.

Thank the people who served with you. Without them, there would have been no VBS. Send them a handwritten note and a gift card or other small gift.

#2 - Volunteer enlistment.

You probably had some new volunteers that signed up to serve at VBS. Within the week, get on the phone (or in person, better yet) and contact these people. Ask them how they enjoyed serving in VBS (hopefully they had a great experience).

Invite them to join your team as a volunteer. I have seen up to 85% of the people who served at an event go on to join our team as a full-time volunteer when we made the ask.

#3 - Decision follow-up.

Follow up with children who made a decision for Christ during VBS. Talk with their parents and sign the family up for a class where you can clearly share the Gospel.

Children must be accompanied by their parents to attend this class. If you do this, you will see parents accept Jesus as well.

#4 - Hold a debrief meeting.

Invite 4-5 volunteers. 2-3 parents. Ask them questions like these:

What are some good things that happened at VBS this week?

What are some things we should consider for next year?

What do we need to change or drop?

What worked well?

What do we need to add to make it better?

What are some God moments you saw Him at work?

#5 - Invite guest children and their families to your regular services.

Especially reach out to unchurched families. Many of them desperately need what Jesus can do in their lives.

#6 - Share your decorations and leftover supplies.

There may be some churches in your community that would love to have your decorations, leftover supplies, curriculum, etc.

Contact some churches ahead of time. Find out which churches are doing VBS after yours. Offer to donate your decorations, curriculum, etc.

#7 - Give follow-up reports about the VBS offering.

Did you take up an offering each day at VBS? What was it going towards? Missions project? Outreach event? Building campaign? Helping orphaned children?

Make sure kids get to see the money they gave in action with pictures, videos, reports, etc.

#8 - Set a date for next year's VBS.

Let the fun begin again!


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