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7 Things Your Volunteers Need You to Be for Them

Your volunteers need you. Why? Because children's ministry is not just about children, it's also about the volunteers who serve in children's ministry.

I often say this.

The success of your children's ministry rises and falls on the strength of the volunteer team you build.

We must also remember that when it comes to volunteers...you must move beyond what you need from them. It's about what you want FOR them.

So what should you be doing for your volunteers? How should you be leading volunteers?

Let's take a look at 7 key things your volunteers need you to be for them.

Listener. Be a good listener. Listen about their serving experiences. Listen to their ideas to improve the ministry. Listen about the struggles they are going through. Listen to their feedback. Listen as they tell you how their week went. Listen to their prayer requests.

Don't be a know it all. Be a leader who asks good questions and then listens to learn.

Investor. Invest in your volunteers. Pour into them. Give them resources that will help them grow. Invest your time in praying for them.

Empower them. Release them to do ministry. Remember this.

Good leaders are powerful. Great leaders are empowering.

Encourager. They will get tired at times. They will feel discouraged at times. Be there to encourage them and let them know you believe in them and the gifts God has placed within them. Each week tell them this - thank you for serving and making a difference.

Equipper. Rather than being doer, we are to be an equipper. Ephesians 4 makes this very clear. Set them up for success with initial and then ongoing training.

Coach. They shouldn't look at you like you are a dictator." Rather, they should see you as someone who cares about them and wants to see them succeed. A coach.

Shepherd. When you lead volunteers, you become their shepherd. Pray for and with them. Make sure they are growing spiritually. Be there when they are going through challenging times. When this happens, they will come to you and seek your spiritual advice and help.

7 things your volunteers need for you to be for them. How many of these are you doing well with? Take a look and grow in these areas of your leadership.

p.s. Have you read my book "The Formula for Building a Great Volunteer Team?" It's been called the best book ever written on the subject. Get your copy today at this link.


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