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7 Generation Impact

It was another day in Chicago. Edward Kimball, a Sunday School teacher, was burdened for one of the boys in his class.

Theboy's name was D.L. Moody. Dwight, a student, worked at a shoe store. Edward's burden for Dwight was from God and on this day, Edward felt God telling him to go to the shoe store and talk with Dwight about Jesus.

Edward obeyed God and went to the shore store. Dwight was working in the back room. Edward went to the back room and shared with Dwight about God's plan of salvation. There, in the back of the store, Dwight bowed his head and asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. He arose a changed person. God had big plans for that young man. He went on to become a pastor and evangelist who won over 1 million people to Christ.

Here's where things get interesting.

God took the seed that a faithful Sunday School teacher planted and multiplied it millions of times over.

Below is a picture of D.L. Moody who Edward Kimball won to Christ.

In one of D.L. Moody's evangelistic services, he won a man named F.B. Myer to Christ.

F.B. became a preacher and won a man named Wilbur Chapman to Christ.

Wilbur Chapman became a minister as well and won Billy Sunday to Christ.

Billy Sunday became an evangelist and won a man named Mordecai Ham to Christ.

Mordecai Ham went on to become a minister as well and won a man named Billy Graham to Christ.

Wow! Talk about impact! 7 fold! 7 generation impact! Millions upon millions of people coming to Christ.

It all started with a children's ministry person who shared the Gospel with one young person.

You never know who is sitting in your classroom, service, VBS meeting, etc. You never know how much impact the seeds you are planting will have.

God has placed you at this time in history in this place to make a huuuuggggggeeeee impact. More than you can even imagine.

Continue to be faithful. Continue to share the Gospel. Continue to reach the kids and families in your community.

You will see seven fold impact. You will meet generations of people who have come to Christ because of the Gospel seed you planted in someones' life years and even decades ago. Many of the people you impacted you will not know about until you get to heaven and can see it all clearly.

Stay faithful! Keep sharing the Gospel! Watch what God does with it and you will be amazed!

2 comentários

09 de set. de 2023

WOW! This is remarkable. Truly, ours is to obey and intentionally share His word and He will do the rest.


06 de set. de 2023

Super great article!

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