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6 Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Experience

There is a store that I shop in at least once a week. When I am checking out, I try to steer clear of check out station #1. Why? Because of the cashier.

Here's the vibe she gives off.

I will not greet you with a "hello."

I will not smile at you.

I will barely acknowledge your presence.

If you ask me something, I will simply reply, "I don't know."

I will not say "thank you" as you are leaving.

The only thing that keeps me going back to this store is the prices. They do have great prices. But their customer service stinks.

If they upped their customer service experience, they would attract a lot more costumers.

Let me ask you a question. What kind of experience do you give the guests and regular attendees at your church? What would they say about this?

No matter where you are right now, you can improve your customer service experience. And just a quick reminder. People are comparing the experience you give them with the experiences they have had at restaurants, businesses and other places they interact with.

Here are 6 steps to improve the experience guests and regular attendees have:

Smile. A smile can make a huge difference in someone's experience. A smile communicates so much. It lets people know you are glad they are there. It conveys a warm welcome.

Don't assume that all of your team is smiling when they interact with kids and families. Make it part of your training. Remind your team on a regular basis to smile when they greet people.

Acknowledge their presence. One of the worst, most awkward experiences is when the person is left standing without any acknowledgement of their presence. Train your team to always acknowledge people as they are waiting.

If someone comes to their line and is behind someone else that they are helping, have them stop for a second and acknowledge the person that just got in line. All they need to do is say this.

"Hi. So glad you are here. I'll be right with you."

When your words and actions make someone feel like a nobody, that "nobody" probably won't return for a second visit.

Make people feel loved, welcomed and comfortable.

Look them in the eyes. Make direct eye contact as you talk with them. Looking someone in the eyes helps people feel like you care about them as an individual.

Thank them for coming. A sincere thank you lets people know you are glad they are here.

Don't say "I don't know" and leave them hanging when they ask a question. Instead say, "that's a great question...I am not sure, but I will be glad to help you find the answer. Then follow through and find out the answer.

The "sermon" starts long before the worship service. Everyone people encounter before, during and after the service makes up the customer service experience. Make sure every area is trained and knows the things listed above.

Provide great customer service training. Going back to the cashier I encounter. She may act that way because she has never been trained how to give people a great customer service experience. Make sure you are training your team members up front and teaching them how to be a part of a great customer experience. You can't hold them accountable for what you haven't trained them in.

Your turn. What are some more ways to improve customer service in a church? What are some things you do at your church to create a great customer service experience? Share your thoughts, ideas and insight in the comment section below.


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