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5 Keys to Going the Distance in Ministry

It seems like every day you hear about someone else who has fallen out of ministry. 



Burn out.






There are many ways you can be taken down and have to step out of ministry as a minister.

Thousands of ministry leaders resign or are asked to step down each year.

But that doesn't have to be you.  You can got the distance if you are intentional about it.  

Here are 5 keys to going the distance in ministry.  Lock in on these and you can stay in ministry no matter what comes your way. 

Stay fueled up.

I don't know about you, but I hate having to stop for gas.  I'd rather be moving on down the road.  But we have to stop for gas if we want to continue driving, right?  

It's the same way spiritually.  We must stop to fuel up spiritually if we are going to continue going down the path of God's will.


You fuel up by spending time with Jesus in prayer and reading His Word.  

Where is your spiritual tank right now?  Full?  Half full?  Quarter full?  Running on fumes?

If you want to go the distance, it will happen through your connection with Christ.


Guard your heart.

We are commanded in Scripture to guard our heart above all else.  Guard against...









If you allow any of these to take root and fester in our life, it will eventually take you out. 

We must keep our heart in tune with God's.  

We must forgive when are trespassed against.  

We must encourage ourselves in the Lord. 

We must keep our eyes on Jesus and not people.

Get back up.

There will be times when we get knocked down.  Times when we struggle with temptation.  Times when we feel like quitting.  Times when we will blow it. 

It's not a matter of if you will get knocked down. Rather, it's a matter of when you are going to get knocked down.

Everyone stumbles at times. When this happens, we must ask Jesus' forgiveness and get back up.  Just because you get knocked down doesn't mean you have to get knocked out permanently. Keep getting back up. Don't quit.

Don't fly solo.

You need to gather some key people around you if you want to go the distance.


People who will hold you accountable.


People who help you discover your blind spots. 


People who pray for you.


People who will encourage you.

People who will push you out of your comfort zone and help you get to the next level. 

Remember...you can go faster alone but you can go farther together.

Find a pace you can maintain long-term.

Ministry is a marathon...not a sprint.  Find a pace that you can sustain for the distance.

Check yourself.  Where are you at right now?  A walk?  A jog?  An all out sprint? 

Yes...sometimes you have to rev up and do some strenuous leadership. 

But you can't live there all the time or you will crash and burn.

You can't drive your "ministry car" in the red all the time.  Not if you want to go the distance. 

I love the words of Paul in 2 Timothy.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me - the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of His return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to His appearing."

I've been in full-time ministry for over 34 years. It is only the grace of God that has brought me this far. It will be His grace that will help me finish strong and go the distance. 

5 keys to going the distance. Will you join me?  Let's stay faithful, cross the finish line, and receive the crown of righteousness that Paul talked about.

Have you read my book "Lead Well in Children's Ministry?"  It contains tons of more tips that will help you go the distance. You can get it at this link. 


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