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3 Big Leadership Tips for Leading a Children's Ministry

Leading a children's ministry is not for the faint of heart. Besides the senior pastor, I believe it is the most challenging leadership position in the church.

You have to be able to lead parents, grandparents, volunteers, students who serve and of course, the children.

Though the task seems looming, you can do it. Here are 3 big tips that can help you lead a children's ministry effectively.

Big Tip #1 - Be a great motivator. Inspire people with your words. Take people on a journey. Help them see the big picture. Emphasize "why" the team is doing what they are doing.

Don't forget that motivation leaks. You have to consistently take people back to the "why."

Motivate people with your actions. Motivate people with your words. Motivate people with your commitment. Motivate people with your work ethic.

Motivation is parallel with passion. Show people that you are excited to be a part of what God is doing in the team.

Remember this...motivation is more caught than taught. You must live out motivation if you want to see your team motivated as well.

Where is your motivation right now? Is it a 2? Is it a 5? Is it a 10?

Your team will never surpass your level of motivation. If you want your team to be a 10, then you must lead at a 10 level.

Big Tip #2 - Be a servant leader. Great leadership is not about giving commands or barking down orders. Leadership is about serving others.

Jesus was the ultimate example of this. Scripture says he did not come to be served. Rather He came to serve and give His life for others.

Serve by listening to feedback.

Serve by doing the little things well for your team members.

Serve by jumping in and helping with projects.

Serve by praying for your team members

Serve by being more concerned about what you are giving than what you are receiving.

Serve by seeing how many people you can serve instead of seeing how many people can serve you.

Serve by asking questions rather than having all the answers.

Big Tip #3 - Lead with integrity. Seems like every day you read or hear about another Christian leader who has fallen. Trust in the "clergy" is at an all-time low. Can't blame the world for thinking this way. We've given them lots of wood to put on the fire.

It takes years and even decades to build peoples' trust in you. But it only takes a second to destroy the trust they had in you.

The best way to be successful in ministry is simply to stay in ministry. Avoid the landmines that can take you out. Look what Paul said about this in

2 Timothy 4:7.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Will you fight against the tricks of the enemy?

Will you finish the race God has mapped out for you?

Will you keep your faith in God and His goodness?

Remember this...greatest in children's ministry is not measured in years...but in decades.

You must have integrity if you are going to finish your race and hear the words "Well done, you good and faithful servant."

A few days ago, I heard that one of my mentors had passed over to the other side. As I thought about him, I remembered that he had been a man of character and integrity. He served the Lord faithfully for over 60 years. He never let sin blemish his ministry. He loved his wife and was faithful to her for all those decades. He left a great legacy that was marked by integrity.

Motivate and inspire people.

Be a servant leader.

Lead with integrity.

Live out these three tips and you will have a ministry that God will bless and use for His glory.

If you don't have my book "Lead Well in Children's Ministry, it's a must-read for those leading in children's ministry in any capacity. It contains over 300 pages of leadership tips for you. You can get it at this link or on Amazon.


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