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10 Quotes You Can Use to Inspire Your Volunteer Team

The pandemic we have been walking through has left many volunteers hesitant about coming back until things clear up. Which is very understandable.

As a leader, one of our tasks is to keep our volunteers excited and passionate about serving and reaching the next generation.

The pandemic has definitely made this a challenging things to do as a leader.

I have found that quotes can be used to encourage and empower volunteers.

Here are 10 quotes that you can use to encourage your volunteers and let them know how valuable they are to God and to the volunteer team.

Remember that we want to use the ministry to build people rather than using people to build the ministry. We should use wisdom and let volunteers know that first and foremost we want them to be okay personally and that they are protecting their health.

When people know you care about them, they will be more prone to return when the time is right.

Here are the quotes. My prayer is they will be a blessing to you and your volunteers as you lead though these tumultuous times.

1. You matter. What you do matters. A lot.

2. Comparison is clamoring for your attention. Don't look. Keep your eyes on the course God has for you.

3. Choose optimism today.

4. Children are the future of your church and without them your church has no future.

5. Stop waiting for someone to tell you how important you are. Jesus showed how important you are on the cross.

6. Walk on - even when you've been walked on.

7. Serve not for the applause, but rather for the cause.

8. Your best insight will come from your hardest challenges.

9. Your greatest experience is waiting outside your comfort zone.

10. You can't go forward if you keep going back to your past.

Your turn. Share a quote that has encouraged and helped you.

You can put them in the comment section below.

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