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We Must Continue to Teach Kids That Jesus is the One and Only Way to Eternal Life

Today, we remember the day Jesus died on the cross for us. He paid the price for our sins and shed His blood that we might be reconciled with God. There is nothing more important that we can share with kids than the Gospel. The good news that even though we have sinned, there is a way we can be forgiven. We live in a society that has been sliding downward for years. A pluralistic society that says there are many ways to eternal life. Postmodernism, which we are surrounded by, says that we must be tolerant. That we should not make claims of the supremacy of Jesus. Everyone should do what works best for them. Everyone should follow a path that is to their liking. Don't "judge" other people by saying that without Jesus they have no hope of eternal life. To do so is to be a bigot, intolerant and judgemental person. In-spite of the pressure we may feel to water down the Gospel and cave in to postmodernism, we must stand strong and continue to teach kids that Jesus is still the one and only way to eternal life. Jesus made it crystal clear when He said this in John 14:6...

"I am the way, the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Another example in 1 John 5:12.

"Whoever has the Son has life;

whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life."

We must help kids understand the Gospel and believe what the Bible says is true. Only Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. Only Jesus was buried and rose again. Only Jesus made a road to heaven. We are in a race to reach the heart of the next generation. We know the vast majority of people who come to Christ do so when they are children. This means you and I are ministering to children at the most critical time in their life. When they are the most open and receptive to the Gospel. You can teach kids a lot of things, but the Gospel is the most important thing you can ever teach a child. I want to encourage you to consistently share the Gospel with kids. Be passionate about seeing kids come to Christ. Here is a simple but effective way to help kids see Jesus is the only way to heaven. If we were to go to the gates of heaven today and an angel came out to greet us and asked us this question. "Why should I let you come in?" What would you tell the angel? That you've been good? That you went to church? That you gave money in the offering? That you tried to obey your parents and be a good son or daughter? That you did well in school? No. The only answer that would get you inside would be this. "I believed in Jesus and asked Him to be my forgiver, my leader and my friend." As you finish up final preparations for your Easter services, I pray you will have the Gospel as the main truth you are going to communicate. Only through Jesus will the kids in your ministry have eternal life. If you need some follow-up materials or want resources that will help you clearly share the Gospel, here are a couple that have been used by hundreds of churches across the country to lead kids (and their parents) to Jesus.

Starting Point is a one-session class designed for kids who are interested in starting a relationship with Jesus. The class is designed for kids and their parents to attend together and provides tools that parents can use to follow up with their children at home. You can get more information at this link.

Another great resource to share the Gospel with kids is a 4-week teaching series called Road Trip. Kids learn through this series that our road may, the Bible, says there is only one road to eternal life...and the road is Jesus. You can get more info. about this series at this link.

Here is one last tool that can help you. The Blab Lab teaching series helps kids not only understand the Gospel, but also gives them tools they can use to share their faith with others. The Blab Lab gets kids excited about blabbing about (sharing) their faith with others. Each week kids create an invention they can use to tell other people about Jesus. The Blab Lab is directed by Professor Blabalot and his sidekick, Crum. There's plenty of mishaps and fun along the way, as the Professor and Crum, test out their "blab about your faith" inventions with the kids. You can get more info. at this link. I pray God will bless you, empower you and work through your life and ministry to reach kids and families with the Gospel. It is the hope of the world.

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