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Legos at Church

Have you seen the new Lego show that's coming to television?

It's called "Lego Masters." Below is a short promo. If you are reading this by email, you can access the video at this link.

In the latest edition of the annual Rooster Money report, kids (ages 4 to 14) were asked what toy they would most like to be given or purchase.

At the top of the list was Legos. Numbero Uno among kids. That's a toy trend we can't afford to ignore. Kids love Legos. Legos can be used to build anything kids dream about and it allows kids to explore and be creative.

Legos help kids develop motor skills.

Legos can help kids learn cooperative play.

Legos give kids a sense of accomplishment.

Legos help kids learn persistence.

Legos help kids explore.

Legos help kids be creative.

Back in 2017, I did an article about 4 big lessons children's ministries can learn from the Lego company. You can access that article at this link, if you'd like more insight into using Legos at church.

Lots and lots of kids will be watching the new Lego show. This makes for a great opportunity to bring Legos into your lesson and use it to teach Biblical truth. Let's talk more about that and share a few ideas.

Use Legos to help tell your Bible story. What if you had your groups build a character or set to go with the Bible lesson? A lion for Daniel and the lion's den? A cross to remember Jesus died for our sins? Noah's ark?

One Sunday I was teaching the 4-year-olds. The lesson was about the church. I got down on the floor with all the preschoolers and we worked together to build a church building out of Legos. I followed that by asking where the church was. They pointed to the church building they had just built.

I responded by saying, "You did a great job with building that, but that's not the church. The church is people. People like you and I who come together to worship, to encourage one another and to see our relationship with Jesus grow stronger.

Use Legos to help kids develop collaborative skills. Yes, you can build something fun by yourself. But building something with other kids is even more fun. You can work together to build something grand. Everyone adding Lego pieces. Brick by brick is laid with multiple hands. Showing you can be stronger and more efficient together.

When you attend church, it gives you the opportunity to collaborate with other believers. It gives you the opportunity to give your money as a church to something bigger and better than you could do alone.

Use Legos to help promote consistent attendance at church. Make Legos a regular part of your pre-service play time. Get your volunteer leaders and your kids together to play with Legos. This will help your leaders better know and connect with the kids in their group. And when a child is known and loved (and missed when they are not there), their attendance will be much more consistent.

Use Legos as part of your volunteer training. I have a teacher training that uses Legos to equip and encourage and connect volunteers. You can get it at this link.

Use Legos to help kids move truth into their long-term memory. Here's a strategy that really works well for helping kids remember the main point you are trying to get them to remember long-term.

Connect your Legos to the main point of the teaching. Here are a few examples...have the kids use the Legos to build a one way sign. Help them remember that every time they see a one way sign they can recall that, "Jesus is the one way to heaven."

Or you could have the kids build the Tower of Babel and share with kids that when we try to go our own way and not follow God's voice, we end up with a mess. Then every time they are building a Lego tower, they will recall that lesson and remember to trust God and obey Him.

One more example. You have the kids build a bridge. Then you share with them that Jesus is the bridge back to God. Then every time they cross a bridge, it will trigger that lesson in their minds.

Any Lego fans out there? What are some others ways you can use Legos at church and at home to illustrate Biblical truth? Share your thoughts, insight and ideas in the comment section below.

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