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What's On Your Reading List for 2020?

You've heard the statement... "Leaders are Readers." It's true. Reading is an important part of staying relevant and continuing to learn long after you are out of school. In fact, leaders are always in school. They see each day as an opportunity to learn something new and fresh. One of the best ways to do this is to read books. I want to challenge you to be a reader in the coming year. And now is the time to select which books you are going to be reading. If you are serving in children's ministry, then here are 5 books I recommend.

Lead Well in Children's Ministry - This book draws from my 30 years of serving in children's ministry. It covers key areas you must lead well in if you're going to make an impact for a church. Some of the chapters are...

  • lead yourself well

  • lead staff and volunteers well

  • lead up well

  • lead parents well

and much more. You can get this book at this link. Available in paperback and ebook formats.

The greatest need for every ministry is more volunteers.

The success of your ministry rises and falls on the strength of the volunteer team you build. This book contains a proven formula for building a great volunteer team. No matter what size your church is, the principles in this book work. This is the formula that Dale used to build a volunteer team of 2,600 children's ministry volunteers at a church. Add this book to your reading list for 2020. You can get the book at this link. It has been called the best book ever written on the subject.

What if you could have Disney as a consultant for your children's ministry? Now you can. In the book "If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry" you will discover 10 key areas where you can get ideas and insight from Disney. Some of the chapters are...

-Cast Vision Like Disney -Creativity Like Disney -Customer Service Like Disney -Capture Kids' Attention Like Disney You can get the book at this link.

Want to see your children's ministry go to the next level? The book "100 Best Ideas to Turbocharge Your Ministry" contains 100 ideas that will help you and your ministry get to the next level of leadership in children's ministry. It's available at this link.

Do you minister to preschoolers? The book "100 Best Ideas to Turbocharge Your Preschool Ministry" can help you develop a world-class preschool ministry. You'll find the latest strategies developed by some of the most successful preschool ministers in the world. They've been developed, tested, and proven in real churches, and now their secrets are yours. The book is available at this link. What are some books you will be reading in 2020? Share the titles with us in the comment section below

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