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Why You Need a Coach

I played basketball in jr. high and high school. As a basketball player, you are always looking for ways to improve. One day after practice, the coach asked if he could give me a pointer on my shooting flow. I responded with a "yes" and so he shared this piece of advice with me. He said when I was shooting the ball, my elbow was going wide. This was causing the ball to not go straight and was a big reason why I was missing many of the shots I took. He told me if I would bring my elbow in and align it straight with the goal, I would be able to make more of my shots. I took his advice and it worked. I began playing better and scoring more points. I am also thankful that through the years, I've had ministry coaches in my life that have helped me lead better in children's ministry. You see, everyone needs a coach in their life. Someone that encourages them, pushes them to lead better, points out blind spots they didn't even know about and takes them out of their comfort zone and into the next level of leading well. Do you have a coach in your life? If not, maybe now is the time to get one. As we head into 2020, like never before, it is crucial that you are able to lead your ministry well. I'd like to personally invite you to be a part of my coaching program. It's a 6 month coaching experience that will help you get to the next level as a children's ministry leader. The coaching program includes...

  • 6 months of coaching. Next available session runs January to June 2020.

  • Monthly group coaching call. Live one-hour sessions on the important topics listed below. Each session includes teaching and group discussions. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the topics with Dale and the other leaders in the group. Sessions are also recorded so you have access to them later.

January - self leadership

February - Leading Staff and Volunteers

March - Leading through Change and Challenges

April - Keys to Growing a Ministry

May - Creating a Dynamic Children's Ministry Culture

June - Staying Relevant in Children's Ministry

  • Personalized growth plan. Personal one hour phone session with Dale to help you identify areas of growth and development. From this, Dale will help you create a one year growth plan in those areas. Includes identifying your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. Plan also includes developing a personal mission statement, key books to read, guided growth conversations to have with key people in your life, action steps, setting goals and helping measure progress. There is also an one hour follow-up phone session at the end of the program to access and celebrate your growth.

  • Copy of 3 of Dale's books: ($46 value)

If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry The Formula for Building Great Volunteer Teams Lead Well in Children's Ministry

  • Each member of Advance will have access to an online forum where they can ask questions about children’s ministry and leadership directly to Dale and the other members throughout the program. This gives you an experienced team available whenever you need them. You also retain access to this forum after the 6 months so you have ongoing support and encouragement.

  • Access to the notes from the Kidmin GIG round table. In 2016, Dale founded a gathering of the leaders of the 30 largest children's ministries in the country. Each year they meet for two days to discuss and share their latest ideas, insights, ministry wins and challenges. As part of the Advance group, you will receive a copy of the latest discussions from this gathering.

Space is limited, so register today. You can get more information and register at this link. Come join us for this life-changing experience!

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