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The Grouch

Have you ever encountered a "Grouch" at a store or other place of business? You know...the Grouch who glares at you from behind the counter. The Grouch who makes you fell like you are "bothering" them if you ask a question. The Grouch who never smiles. The Grouch who points where you need to go rather than walking you there. The Grouch who ignores you until you finally have to initiate asking for help. The Grouch who acts like they hate what they are doing. The Grouch who always opposes change. The Grouch who constantly complains. You're seeing a face and thinking about a person right now, aren't you? You have a grouch in your ministry and you're not sure what to do with them. Here's some advice - Move them away from people...especially away from first-time guests. You may have 20 people that interact with a guest. But if one of the 20 is a Grouch, that is what your guests will remember. If you think they are salvageable, you can meet with them and try to give them some pointers. If that doesn't work, because their grouchy personality overrides everything else, then it's time to make a change. I know it's not always easy to ask a grouch to step out of their role, but it's a must if you want to make a good impression on guests and regular attendees. You simply can't afford to have a grouch directly interacting with kids and families. All it takes is one grouch to keep a new family from coming back. Take a look around your ministry this week. See any grouches? If you do, then meet with them and find out if they are willing to change so they can remain on the team. I realize most people are naturally either a pessimist or optimist. Just remember, you have to have optimists on the front lines of your ministry. Grouchy old Aunt Betsey, is not the person for that role no matter how long she has been part of the church. Have the courage to make changes so you have happy, smiling, friendly people on the front lines of your ministry.

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