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The Invite Card

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15 As followers of Jesus, He asks us to share the Good News of the Gospel with others. And this command is for all believers, including children. The truth is, I have found that kids can be some of the boldest believers when it comes to sharing their faith with others. They simply need us to equip them with tools they can use to share their faith. One tool I have found that works great is a simple invite card. It has service times and says be my guest. Here's how it works. Near the end of your lesson or at the end of the service, invite kids to raise their hand if they know someone that needs to come to church to hear about Jesus. Ask 2 to 3 kids to come forward and get an invite card. While they are up front, take a few minutes to find out who they are inviting to church. Get the person's name. Make this a serious, prayerful time. Pray over the children who have the invite cards and ask God to touch the heart of the person whom they will give the card to. Ask for divine timing. Ask for boldness. Ask for the Holy Spirit to move in their heart. Again, make this a serious, somber moment as you ask God to move in the heart of those who will receive an invite card. The next weekend, acknowledge the guests that are present and thank them for coming. Commend the children who brought them. This strategy can be done at any time during the year. I personally did this every week. And it worked. Nearly every week, one of the kids we had given a card to, brought a person with them as a guest. Remember, you will get what you emphasize. If you want the kids in your ministry, to be bold witnesses for Christ, then that's what you should emphasize. I'll never forget, one Easter, a lady showed up at our church for the very first time. When she was asked how she heard about the services, she replied that she was a school crossing guard. That week, a child who was at her crossing area, handed her an invite card and asked her to come to church as her guest. God can use children to reach people for Christ. We simply have to put the right tools in their hands. Invite cards are a great first step to get kids involved in evangelism. We also created a teaching series that places 4 tools in the hands of kids that they can use to share their faith. The Blab Lab curriculum gives kids 4 great tools to lead others for Christ. One girl, whom we had prayed for, stood up in front of her entire school class and invited them to come to church with her. When we begin to emphasize to children that all believers are called to help take the Gospel to the world, we will see them respond with boldness and passion. What you emphasize to the kids will be what becomes important to the kids. Make sharing your faith a top priority and you will see them engage and grow stronger in their faith.

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