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20 Important Questions to Ask Your Volunteers

Children's ministry is not just about the kids. It's also about the students and adults who minister to the kids. One of your top priorities should be developing your volunteers and helping them grow in their faith and service for Jesus. One of the best ways to help your volunteers grow is by asking them questions. Open-ended questions that will give them the opportunity to share about what God is doing in their life and ministry as they serve. Here are 20 important questions you can ask your volunteers. Most of these are designed to be asked in a personal meeting. You can use the questions when you meet with your team members individually...

both new volunteers and veteran volunteers. They are in no particular order. 1. Tell me about the last time you saw God at work in your life? 2. Are you serving in your sweet spot? Is it the right fit for you? 3. What do you enjoy the most about serving? 4. When was the last time you were out of your comfort zone? 5. Can you tell me what you do to grow spiritually during the week? 6. What do you want your legacy to be? 7. Do you feel equipped for your current role? If not, what is missing? 8. What are you seeing happen spiritually in the lives of the kids you serve? 9. How can I help you get to the next level in your role? 10. What's one thing we can do to make the ministry more effective? 11. What inspires you? 12. What's holding you back from loving Jesus more than you do now? 13. If you could go back in time and be at one of the big events in the Bible, which one would it be and why? 14. Do you feel you currently have opportunities to use your spiritual gifts? Why or why not? 15. What is a new ministry skill you would like to learn? 16. How can I serve you better? 17. Are you establishing any relationships with the people you are serving with? Why or why not? 18. What do you want to see God do in the lives of the kids in your class/group? 19. What books have you read lately? (give them some suggestions or better yet, have a copy of the book and give it to them) 20. How can I pray for you? Your turn. What are some other questions you ask volunteers? Share with us in the comment section.

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