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Don't Bet Against David

Where there's a scheduled fight, you can be sure people will be placing bets on the outcome. Whether it's boxing, MMA or UFC, people will be betting with the goal of making some fast money. I don't know this for sure, but hypothetically, I "bet" there were some bets placed on the showdown between David and Goliath. And if that was the case, I''m thinking everyone placed their bets on Goliath winning. The odds against David seemed insurmountable. Goliath was bigger, stronger, faster, more experienced and better equipped. In Samuel 17, he is referred to as the "champion." From outward appearances, he was a sure bet to win. A battle-tested, seasoned warrior against a young shepherd boy. But there was one thing the odds didn't take into account. And that was the God factor. Goliath was a big, strong man, but he didn't stand a chance against a young man empowered by God. If the bystanders could have seen the invisible power eminating from Almighty God, they would have placed their bets on David instead of Goliath.

When God's hand is resting upon your life, there is nothing and nobody that can stand against you and win.

Everyone may be telling you that you're too young or too old or too inexperienced. You may feel that everyone is against you. Actually, that's not a bad place to be. It forces you to look to God for your courage and strength, just like David did when he faced Goliath. What giant is staring you down today? Finances? Expectations? Past failures? Relationships that are strained? Opposition to changes you're trying to make? Whatever the giant is...I'm sure it's big and imposing. So imposing that everyone is betting against you. But I've got some good news for you. The people that are betting against you, are in for a big surprise. You are going to walk away with the victory. Why? Because you are more than a champion. You are an anointed, appointed and are walking in the promises of a God who makes Goliaths taste defeat. Be encouraged today. You are the winner in what you are facing. You may not be able to see it yet, but with God you will come out victorious. Anyone that is placing bets against you, may want to reconsider. Have a blessed day and know you are the ultimate spiritual warrior with God on your side.

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