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Losing the Cape (powerful new book) Win a Free Copy

I just finished reading a powerful new book by Dan Stanford. It's called "Losing the Cape" and shows how God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people. Dan is the pastor of The Well Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin. This book is a great reminder that when we surrender our lives to God and ask Him to use us for His glory, He will do above and beyond anything we could ever accomplish in our own strength. Here are a few quotes that really jumped out to me as I read this book. "It's not about our power; it's about God's presence." "You don't need an 'S' on your chest when you have the Savior in your heart." "Sometimes the world just needs one or two brave individuals to go first." "The most important thing we can pass along to the next generation is a robust relationship with Jesus." Dan shares examples of ordinary people that God used in Scripture to work His wonders. He also shares from his own personal experience. He and his family are living examples of how God uses even times of weakness and suffering to show Himself strong through us. In this book, you will read the powerful story of his wife, who has a disease that is causing her to lose her hearing and eyesight. In spite of this, she serves and inspires hope for others in the midst of the limitations this disease imposes on her. This book will bring hope and encouragement and passion to your life as you read through it. If you have a young person you are mentoring or want to invest in, I believe it is a great book to place in their hands as well. Dan has graciously invited us to give away a free copy of the book to one of our readers. You can enter to win by simply emailing me - dale@buildingchildrensministry.com. We will randomly select a winner and notify you next Monday. You can also purchase the book now at Moody Press or at Amazon.

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