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16 Questions to Ask About the Curriculum You Are Using

One of the biggest decisions you make as a children's ministry leader is what curriculum you will use.

There are lots of choices available. In order to make a wise, informed decision, here are some questions to ask.

1. Will this curriculum help kids understand the key doctrines of the Bible?

2. Will this curriculum guide kids toward the hard questions that need to be asked?

3. Will this curriculum encourage and inspire kids to read God's Word on a daily basis?

4. Will this curriculum inspire and guide parents to disciple their children?

5. Will this curriculum equip kids to answer the "why?" questions?

6. Does the curriculum share the Gospel on a consistent basis?

7. Will this curriculum deepen children's knowledge of God's Word?

8. Does this curriculum show kids how to apply what they are learning?

9. Will this curriculum help kids see the relevance of God's Word and how to walk in the ways contained in it?

10. Will this curriculum help move Biblical truth into children's long-term memory?

11. Is this curriculum's main focus on Biblical truth or character traits?

12. Will this curriculum prepare kids to defend their faith?

13. Does this curriculum have a clear, strategic pathway to spiritual maturity?

14. Is this curriculum relevant for today's kids?

15. Does this curriculum lead kids to serve others?

16. Is this curriculum affordable? How will it impact my children's ministry budget?

Think about these questions.

Talk about these questions with your team.

I created Connect12 curriculum with these questions in mind. Connect12 takes kids from salvation all the way to spiritual leadership. Each lesson goes through a filter that makes sure it is...

  • hands-on

  • gives kids an experience they won't forget

  • incorporates the different learning styles

  • helps kids apply the lesson

  • fun

  • relevant

  • engages kids in prayer

  • games with a purpose

  • video clips that enhance the lesson

  • worship music videos

You can see a video overview below.


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