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10 Little Tips That Can Make a Big Difference in Your Children's Ministry

I know you are always looking for ways to improve your ministry. Sometimes this involves making big changes. But it can also mean making some small changes that result in a big difference.

Here are 10 little tips that can make a big difference in your children's ministry.

Tip #1 - When parents drop off their babies in the nursery, ask them this.

"If your baby starts crying, how long do you want me to wait before contacting you?"

This takes the guesswork away. You don't have to worry about the parents getting upset because you didn't call them or you called too early.

Tip #2 - Hand the take-home paper to the parent instead of the child.

Tired of seeing take-home papers on the ground in the parking lot? During pick-up time, instead of handing the child the take home paper, hand it to the parent. And say this when you give it to them.

"Here is what your child learned today. Here are some follow-up questions, activities, etc. that you can do with him or her this week to reinforce it."

Tip #3 - When making a decision about something that is considered "edgy" for your context, go with what the average family thinks about it.

You have three groups of parents in your ministry.

  • Very conservative parents.

  • Average parents.

  • Anything goes parents.

The very conservative families will always be the loudest in your ear - telling you to not try something outside the box. Don't follow their pathway. Go with what the average family will get on board with. This will get you the biggest impact.

#4 - Have back-up security tags ready in case your check-in system goes down.

Most check-in systems are web-based. If the internet goes down on a Sunday morning and you don't have a backup plan, then you are out of luck. Be prepared for this. Always have an extra set of matching name tags prepared and ready to go.

#5 - Have your check-in team write out your guest cards. After they have checked a guest family in and walked them to their classroom, have them write out a "thanks for being our guest" card.

Have the check-in team members put something in the handwritten note that is specific to that family. An example would be a family that just moved to your area from another city. Make mention of that in the note. This will mean a lot to guest families when they get a note that is specifically for them.

Plus, your check-in team members will love being able to have a part in seeing a new family return.

#6 - Give children "invite cards" on a regular basis. Encourage children to live out the great commission by inviting their friends, schoolmates, team members, etc. to come to church with them so they can hear the Gospel.

If you will consistently emphasize this, you will see kids bringing guests on a regular basis.

#7 - Do you want team members to show up for your pre-service huddle? Let new volunteers know that you have a pre-service huddle each week and part of their "job description" is to be at this meeting.

I know it can be a struggle at times to get volunteers to show up for the huddle. But if you set the expectation upfront, you will see them attend. Then work on getting your veteran volunteers to attend.

#8 - Create a monthly "kid-connect" paper for your volunteers. Include things that are relevant and popular with children. What movies are they watching? What video games do they like? What TV series are they into? What songs are the most popular with them?

Your volunteers can use these as talking points with the children before service starts.

#9 - Start a private Facebook group for your volunteers. Use this to help encourage, equip and stay in touch with your volunteers.

#10 - A few times a year, have the children help lead the adult service. They can help lead worship, pray for the offering, give a testimony, read a passage of Scripture, etc.

Your turn. What are some little tips you have for us? Share them with us in the comment section below.


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