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10 Giving Lessons for Kids

It is important to teach kids about giving from an early age. If we want generous adults one day, then now is the time to start teaching them about what it means to be a generous, giving person.

One of the best times to teach kids about giving is right before the offering.  A short 2-3 minute giving lesson before each offering time will help kids to grasp why giving is so important.

Here are 10 giving lessons that I have taught kids over the years right before the offering.

Feel free to use any of these in your ministry. 

You can also get giving lessons as part of the Connect12 Curriculum.  As part of the curriculum, there is a new giving lesson every week that you can share with the kids. You can get more information and order Connect12 curriculum at this link.

Giving Lesson 1: The Boy in Thailand (or other another country outside of yours)

I want to show you a picture of a boy who lives in Thailand (have picture ready to show). He represents many of the children all over the world who have never even heard of Jesus. If you were to ask him today, who Jesus is, he would look at you with a puzzled look.  He has no idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven. But we can change that. When you give your tithes and offerings, the money helps kids like him, all over the world, to hear about Jesus.  A Bible can be printed and given to him.  Missionaries can be sent there to tell him about Jesus.  Let's be faithful to give our tithes and offerings so kids who have never heard about Jesus can discover His love.

(Ask a child to lead in prayer.  Pray for kids all over the world who have never heard of Jesus to be able to hear about Him.  Pray that God will use the offering to help reach them.)

Giving Lesson 2: How Will They Hear?

 Did you know there are many people in the world who have been told lies about how to have eternal life?  That’s right!  They have been told there are other ways besides Jesus.  This verse talks about this.  Check it out

"But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them." (Romans 10:14) 

This verse says people who have been told there are other ways to heaven besides Jesus won't believe in Him unless they can hear about Him. Did you know we can help them? Look what the next verse says.

And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? (Romans 10:15)

It says we can help send people to tell them. How? When we give our offering the money is used to help send people to tell them that Jesus is the way to eternal life. Just think...the offering you're about to give will help people know the truth.  Let's pray for today's offering and ask God to use it to help people know about Jesus' love.

(Ask a child to lead in prayer. Pray for God to use the offering to help send people to tell those who don't know the truth about Jesus.) 

Giving Lesson 3: The Busy Highway

See the picture of the busy highway? The Bible says there are lots of people going the wrong way...headed for destruction.  It's our job to tell them about Jesus and how He is the road to eternal life. One of the ways we can tell them is by giving our offering.  The money we give is used to tell people about Jesus and help them get on the right road.  Let's pray and ask God to us our offering today to help people get off the wrong road and on the right road.


(Ask a child to lead in prayer. Pray for God to use the offering to help people discover Jesus who is the road to eternal life.)

Giving Lesson 4:  Trust Him

I want to take a moment to help us prepare our hearts.  I don't know about you, but I know that in my life, it can be easy to become overwhelmed when life doesn't go the way I think it should. But in those moments, Jesus calls us to follow Him and trust in His Word. Even when we don't feel in control, Jesus calls us to trust Him with our whole heart. (Have a child pray for the offering and remind kids to bring their offering and give it.)

Giving Lesson 5: Thank You God

There are so many reasons why we should give the tithe back to God.  Think about all the things He has given us. His love. His forgiveness. His Word.  Friends. Family. Food to eat and so much more. When you give your offering, you are saying, "Thank you God, for all the blessings You have given me. I love you."

Giving Lesson 6: Everything Belongs to God

Today, we are going to be learning about a verse in Psalm 24. The verse says that everything belongs to God. That includes money.  When you give some of the money you have to God, you are agreeing with Him. You are saying, "God, this is not my money, it's Your money. And I'm giving it back to show You that I believe that." 

Giving Lesson 7: Giving is Better Than Getting

Sometimes we are tempted to keep everything we have for ourselves. 

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."  Acts 20:35

The Bible tells us in Acts 20:35 that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Let's say "yes" to this truth today as we bring our tithes and offerings to God.

Giving Lesson 8:  The Tallest Tree in the World

(Show a picture of General Sherman - the tallest tree in the world.)

This tree is located in the Sequoia National Park in California. It is 102 feet around and 275 feet tall. It started as a simple seed that was planted in the ground years ago (hold up a small tree seed and show it to the kids.)

When you give your offering it's like planting a seed. It will grow into big things and make a big impact in people's lives.

(Show a picture of kids in Bolivia or another foreign country.) The offering you give is impacting these kids in a big way. Getting food to eat and hearing how God loves them. Plant a seed today with your offering and watch God do great things with it.


Giving Lesson 9: The Boy and His Lunch

In the Bible, there was a kid who gave his lunch to Jesus. Jesus took it and used it to feed over 5,000 people.  Today as we bring our offerings, let's ask Jesus to take it and use it to help thousands of people.

Giving Lesson 10: A Close Friend

Today we are going to learn about one of Jesus' friends.  This friend denied Jesus, but Jesus forgave him and loved him anyway, even after what he did. Sometimes people need to know that God forgives them and loves them even when they do something wrong. Your offering helps our church show people that even if they've done something wrong, God still loves them and offers His forgiveness.


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