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10 Big Mistakes to Avoid in Children's Ministry

Whether you're new to children's ministry or if you are a veteran with years of experience, there is always lots to learn.  I often feel like the longer I am in children's ministry, the less I really know.  

But there are a few things I have learned over the years...a lot of which was learned by making mistakes.  

I am writing about these so that hopefully others will not make the same mistakes.  

Here they are...10 big mistakes to avoid in children's ministry.

Avoid the mistake of thinking that children's ministry is just about children.

The ironic thing about children's ministry is this - it is just as much or even more about the adult volunteers who help reach and disciple the kids and their families.  You can be great with kids, but if you don't learn how to lead adults, you will have a hard time in children's ministry.  Spend as much time learning how to lead adults as you do working with the kids.  

Remember....remember...remember this...

The success of your children's ministry will rise or fall on the strength of the volunteer team you build.

Avoid the mistake of working so much that you become unbalanced.

Yes. There are times when you have to go the second mile.  There are times when you have to put in more hours.  There are times when you have deadlines to meet.  But that should be the exception and not the norm.  If it becomes the norm, you are headed for burnout.  

Your family should become before ministry.  You can reach the whole world, but if you lose your spouse and kids, you will regret it for the rest of your life. 




That's the order you should follow.  I made the mistake of working way too many hours when I first started in ministry. Sometimes I have put ministry before my family and I've had to apologize to them. 

Don't make that mistake.  It's not your job to save the world.  That's why Jesus came.  Yes, He uses people like you and I to take the Gospel to those who need Him.  But remember that your family is your greatest ministry.  

You are spinning a lot of plates...I know.  Sometimes you have to let a plate fall.  That's okay.  Just make sure the plate you drop isn't your family plate.

Avoid the mistake of trying to do everything by yourself.

I know...other people can't do it as well as you.  I know...it has to be perfect.  I know...you can do it quicker by yourself.

But don't fall into that trap.  According to Ephesians 4, you and I are called to equip volunteers to do the work of the ministry. 

Sometimes 85% is good enough. Sometimes perfect is not our version of perfect. Sometimes we have to multiply ourselves so the work can be accomplished.

Avoid the mistake of lecturing.

Don't be a talking head when you are teaching kids. If you are only using the method of lecturing, you are missing today's kids. When you lecture...no matter how eloquent you are...the majority of kids are tuning you out.


Today's kids learn best by moving, doing, interacting, etc. Move away from being a lecturer and become a facilitator. 

Avoid the mistake of not caring enough for your volunteers.

Remember this...

Remember this...

Remember this...

Don't use people to build the ministry.  Instead, use the ministry to build people. 

Volunteers should feel loved, appreciated, and cared for. When they feel this overflowing from your life and into their lives, they will respond and follow you because of relationship. 

Lead by relationship.  People don't follow a title.  They follow someone that they know loves them and cares for them.

Avoid the mistake of not teaching in the early years.

Do you have a time of teaching in your nursery?  Do you have a lesson in your 2-year-olds room?

If not...you should.  The most important time in a person's life happens in those early years.  So many brain connections are being made. Who they are going to become happens in those early years.  Of course the lessons will need to be age appropriate, but it can be done...especially if you are focused on this.

Avoid the mistake of depending on your own power and strength.

Without God's blessing and anointing, your ministry will fall flat. If you are just starting out, you may be nervous and it forces you to depend on God's help.  But as time passes and you learn how to do ministry as a "professional", you can start depending on your own strength and knowledge to lead the ministry.  

Trust me...no matter how much you know or how good you become in children's ministry, nothing of eternal value will happen without prayer and God's power.

Avoid the mistake of not listening to your volunteers.

Gather feedback.  Listen to their ideas and concerns.  They are on the front lines in your ministry and can help you make the ministry better. Ask them to share the truth with you...the good...the bad...and the ugly. There is always something you can learn from feedback. 

Avoid the mistake of trying to do too many things.

Here's the deal...you can do a lot of things mediocre or you can do a few things really well.  Sometimes the best thing you can put on your calendar is eraser marks. 

Less is more and that is true in ministry as well. Narrow down to a few things you can really do well at and just do those things.

Avoid the mistake of trying to build a volunteer team by appearing desperate.

Don't appear desperate...even when you are.

People are drawn toward vision...not desperation.

No one wants to get on the Titanic.  

Invite people to a vision...something worth giving their time and talents to.  

So there you go.  10 big mistakes to avoid in children's ministry.  What are some other mistakes you or someone you know has made?  Share in the comment section below. 


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