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You Are a Super Hero

I meet them every week.  Much of what they do is done behind the scenes.  

You can't see their super hero capes.  Their capes are hidden for a reason.  They don't want people to know they are super heroes.  They simply want to make a difference in kids' lives.   

If you serve in children's ministry, you are a super hero. You are not just "babysitting."  Rather, you are helping mold and shape people's lives at the most critical time of their journey.

I know a super hero who serves in the nursery.  She whispers a prayer for the little ones in her care.

I know a super hero who serves in preschool.  He smiles at each child and tells them Jesus loves them. 

I know a super hero who serves as a greeter.  She not only opens doors, she also opens people's hearts to receive what God has in store for them in the service. 

I know a super hero who serves on the security team.  He keeps kids and parents and volunteers safe as he keeps predators and other potential dangers at bay.


I know a super hero who serves in elementary ministry.  She prays with the kids in her group and calls out their names to Jesus.


I know a super hero who serves in pre-teen ministry.  He guides them through God's Word and helps them apply it to their life. 

I know a super hero who communicates with the parents of the kids she leads.  She is committed to coming alongside parents and partnering with them.  

I know a super hero who serves during the week.  She prepares crafts, snacks and other activities that will be used to help kids grow in their faith.

I know a super hero who leads kids into the presence of God through songs of praise.

You are reading this because you care about the next generation.  Your heart is to see them grow up to love and follow Jesus.  You are a super hero.


Don't quit Super Hero.  You are making a difference.


Don't quit Super Hero.  God is with you. 

Don't quit Super Hero.  You are not the first super hero to get discouraged.

Many of the super heroes who have gone before you got discouraged as well.  But they refused to give up on the next generation.

Don't quit Super Hero.  Jesus has a call on your life. 

Don't quit Super Hero.  You're a big deal to those you serve.  They are looking to you to help guide them spiritually...whether they show it or not.

Don't quit Super Hero.  You are not only influencing kids, but their parents as well.


A Super Hero for kids.  What could be more important than that?  


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