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Raising Kings and Queens

Princess Kate has a big task. She is raising the boy who will one day be King.

At the time of this writing, the future king, Prince George, is 10-years-old.

10-year-old Prince George is already being prepared for his future destiny.

There are some valuable lessons we can learn from how Kate and William are investing now into the life of the future king.

Simon Perry, a noted author who is following Kate and William's parenting journey, had this to say.

Part normal, part formal: Kate is raising the heir to the throne with warmth and joy - and preparing Him for His destiny.

There are some key things we can glean from Kate and William as they raise the future king.

Mothers play a huge leadership role in raising kids. A royal insider said this...

Princess Kate is the rock. She is the glue that sticks the family together.

Moms are vital to see a child be raised to be a king or queen. Yes...dads are vital as well. But there is something very special about the role a mother plays.

Volunteer ladies are also vital when it comes to seeing children grow up to love and follow Jesus. I thank the Lord for all of the ladies who serve in children's ministry. God often calls upon ladies to lead the way. We couldn't do children's ministry without them. What would we do without the wonderful ladies who serve in children's ministry? Ladies, be reminded. What you bring to the table is so critical to see kids grow up to love and follow Jesus.

Raise children with warmth and joy. Invest in the children in your ministry with warmth and joy. Help kids see the warmth and joy that comes when you are following and serving Jesus.

You are preparing children for their destiny. Just as Kate and William are preparing George to one day reign as king, so we must prepare children to discover and follow God's destiny for their life. You are preparing future pastors. You are preparing future businesswomen. You are preparing future children's pastors. You are preparing future children's ministry volunteers. You are preparing future church leaders.

Take the long look. Yes, I know right now the kids often cause you to wonder if they are hearing anything you have to say. They cause you to sometimes wonder if you are making a difference.

Prince Williams said this about sharing with George about his destiny:

There will be a time and place. Right now it's just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around Him and showing him as much love as I can.

Let me reinforce this for you. You are making a difference. You will see some fruit now, but most of it you will not see until years from now. If you will stay faithful, you will see the kids you minister to grow up to be great leaders for God's kingdom.

Just as Kate and William are preparing George for His destiny, you are helping prepare children for their destiny in Christ.

Teach the future kings and queens what it means to follow Jesus and serve Him. Teach them what it means to be a leader with character, integrity and a strong work ethic. Lead by example.

Kate and William are making sure George has a fun childhood while balancing it with planned duties that are preparing Him to rule one day.

Likewise, we must prepare children to serve Jesus by giving them opportunities to serve Jesus now.

Parents...you are raising future leaders for God's kingdom. Ask God for wisdom and insight as you navigate this. You've got this. God gave your child(ren) to you and He will give you everything you need to raise him or her.

Church leaders...God has given you the incredible opportunity to partner with parents to raise the future leaders of His church. Take the calling to raise the future kings and queens very seriously. This cause deserves 110% of our effort and commitment.

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