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A Great Opportunity to Streamline Your Ministry

The pandemic has brought about so many changes for ministries. Online services for kids. Virtual VBS. Safety and security at a whole new level.  Cleaning and sanitizing amplified.  

And most ministries have had to stop or postpone some of their normal programming and events.  

But, here's the deal. Cutting back on the number of ministries and events may be a good thing.  

Here's why.  A large percentage of children's ministries were trying to do too much before Covid-19 happened.  

Too many programs.  Too many events.  Too many activities.  Too many classes.  Too many...you get the point.  

You see, there is a natural tendency to keep adding more programs, more events and more activities to your children's ministry calendar.  

You then reach a certain point where you are doing a lot of things mediocre instead of doing a few things with excellence.  When it comes to being effective, less is more.  

With the current situation we find ourselves in, this is a great time to streamline your ministry and narrow your focus to a few things that your ministry can do very well.    

What do you need to stop doing? (or not resurrect after things return to "normal?") What is giving you the most impact? Move some of the resources you were spending on fluff to this ministry program or event.

Are your volunteers stretched thin because you're asking them to serve in more than one area?  Focusing your volunteers on one ministry or event will bring the biggest return.

Perhaps you have tried to streamline the ministry in the past.  But you were met with resistance and lack of support.  Now is the time to adjust while everyone is expecting changes to be made due to Covid-19.


Here are some strategic steps you can take to streamline the ministry. 

Make a list of everything you are doing as a ministry.

Take a hard look at everything.  

Ask these questions:

  • Why are we doing this?

  • Is it helping us fulfill our mission statement? 

  • Are we reaching and discipling kids and families thru this ministry?

  • Is this ministry bearing fruit?

  • How much volunteer capacity does it require?

  • If we stopped doing this, would a large percentage of our families be affected?

  • Is this ministry still relevant for today's kids and families?

  • Could the budget money we are putting into this be used in another area for a greater impact?

Set a timeline for the changes you will be making and communicate it to the appropriate people.  Changes should be an open book not a secret diary. 

Streamlining your ministry may be just the thing you need to gain momentum and reach more kids and families in your community. 


Have you gotten a copy of my new book "Lead Well in Children's Ministry?  Chapter 5 covers how to lead through change well.  It outlines the specific steps you need to take when you are making changes.  You can get the book at this link. 

Your turn. What adjustments have you made during Covid-19?  How are the adjustments doing?  Are there any other insights you want to share about leading during a time of rebuilding?  Share you thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.


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